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He turned toward the voice behind the desk. A young woman in her early twenties smiled at him.

"Good morning. I'm here to pick up Everleigh Hayes."

"Would you like me to call her room?"

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

The young woman nodded and tapped on the keys of her computer. He continued to look around the lobby of the hotel. This was one of the places he hadn't been in town. It was interesting in its mix of old and new.

The clatter of forks and knives tapping against ceramic plates filled the air, drawing his attention to the room behind the fireplace where hotel guests were enjoying breakfast. The aroma of bacon and fried potatoes wrapped around him. If he hadn't just eaten, he'd be hard-pressed not to go in and help himself.

"Henry Delany?"

He whirled around to see a beautiful woman. Long blonde hair flowed over her shoulders in soft waves. Soft green eyes reminded him of summer grass. Her posture was straight and tall, her shoulders pulled back, hinting at some military training for sure. The burgundy business suit she wore belied the softness her eyes emanated. She was a contrast in a good way.

She was thin and tall, his guess around five-foot-nine inches.

"Yes. Good morning." He moved toward her and stretched out his hand. She placed her palm into his and squeezed his hand tightly in a firm handshake that spoke volumes. No wimpy, flimsy handshake, here. She was poised, and polished, and exuded confidence. "Ms. Hayes, I presume."

Her full lips turned up and her face radiated a beauty only accentuated by her presence. Quite simply, she was breathtaking.

"Yes. Everleigh Hayes. Thank you for picking me up. I didn't want to argue with Casper, but honestly, I'm quite capable of driving myself around to meetings."

His right shoulder lifted and fell. "I'm just following orders, ma'am."


He bobbed his head. "Everleigh."

Her throat constricted as she swallowed and he stepped aside, gesturing toward the front of the building, a silent but respectful, “after you.”

She gave him a curt nod and glided past him and to the door. Well, off to a great start. At least he thought so. She seemed professional, and elegant. Plus, she was stunning. Off to a good start indeed.

He caught up to her easily, his stride nearly doubled hers, and opened the door of his truck before she got there. His eyes darted to her legs encased in slacks, which would make her stepping into his truck less awkward. He'd watched many women over his years try climbing up into a truck with a tight skirt on and those ungodly heels. How women managed to walk in them was beyond him, but they sure made their legs sexy as hell. He’d always appreciated the shape of a woman's legs stretched tall in high heels.

Everleigh's lips turned down as she stepped into his truck with grace and ease. Was she judging him or his truck? It wasn’t a flashy vehicle, practical, a few extra upgrades. It was the largest purchase he’d made to date—unless he counted the farm he may possibly own after yesterday’s call from the realtor—and he was pretty damn proud of it. He shook his head and closed the door without a word.

As he settled himself behind the steering wheel he asked, "Where to?"

She consulted the folder she carried, then closed it and replied, "Sheriff Cranford's office."

He started his truck and turned them toward the sheriff's department.

Everleigh broke the short silence as the buildings from the town flowed by. "You know, today is filled with meetings as I gather information from the townspeople here in Glen Hollow. Honestly, I'm capable of driving myself."

He glanced quickly at her, then back to the road. "I don't doubt it. But, I have my orders to protect you, and that's what I'll do."

"Protect me from what? Or who?"

"I'm certain Casper told you how volatile Craig is.”

"I won't be anywhere near him today. According to the intelligence I received, he won't even come off the mountain, so I don't think there's any danger in him harming me today."

"Just because he doesn't come off the mountain doesn't mean he won't send men down to do his dirty work. I suspect you represent a permanent loss of power to him, and I’m sure he's not exactly thrilled about that. We simply don't know how he'll react to all of this."

He glanced at her as he drove. Huffing out an exasperated breath, she turned her head and watched the scenery fly by the window in silence. It was going to be a long day.

He decided to make small talk. “I’m a Marine. You know, once a Marine – always a Marine. I detect military training in you. Let me guess – Army?”
