Page 15 of Substitute Mate

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The sweet smile he’d given her turned feral, but still, she wasn’t afraid. He stood up and removed her bra so that she was completely naked. It was odd, she’d never actually been completely naked in front of a man. The few disappointing times she’d had sex, it had been rushed and there hadn’t been time to take all her clothes off.

He backed up to the bed, drawing her with him so that when he sat down, she ended up back in his lap. “I’m going to slip my hand between your legs, and I’m going to play with your clit.”

Simone wasn’t sure if she was supposed to say anything, but all that came out as his finger found its target was a deep moan.

“That’s my good girl. You just let me take care of you. Spread your legs for me, Simone,” he commanded in the most sensual way.

If he’d asked her to do that even six hours ago, she would have run from him screaming and crying—and she wouldn’t have been naked. But now, sitting here in the gathering darkness, it felt right to do what he wanted.

Mischa stroked the inside of her thighs, running his hand from one knee up and over her sex and down to the other with the lightest touch that might have tickled if it hadn’t ignited a spark something deep inside her—a spark that threatened to turn into a wildfire she couldn’t control. He nuzzled her neck and allowed his other hand to wrap around her breast, squeezing it gently while he played with her nipple—rolling, tugging, and even pinching it until not only couldn’t she think straight, she couldn’t think at all.

“Have you ever had an orgasm?” he asked softly.

“Not with a partner,” she admitted, embarrassed.

“No, little one, there’s no need for shame between us. No one took the time to give you pleasure so you took it for yourself, and while I can applaud you doing so in the past, from now on the only pleasure you receive is the pleasure I give you.”

Simone allowed herself to just let go and be. She focused on the way Mischa’s hands moved independently and yet in concert with one another. As he continued to cup her breast and move his hand between her legs, she bit her bottom lip to keep from coming completely undone in his lap.

His finger came back to her clit, where he swirled it around the swollen nub in a light flicking motion that made her want to melt into this man and never be whole again. His hand settled over her sex as his finger began to rub her clit, beginning with a touch as light as a feather and getting stronger with each passing minute.

She tried to wrap her head around the increasing pleasure his hands were giving her. As her breath sped up, it became thready, and she made incoherent sounds as something amazing and incredible began to steal over her. She felt as if she was rushing towards the edge of something, and she gave into her need to fly free as she called out his name.

The orgasm washed over her, and she sagged into him, her body limp and yet oddly alive from the ministrations he’d given her. He stood up with her, lifting her weight as if it were nothing. The bed had been turned down and he laid her out reverently before waving his hand down her body, not quite touching, but she could feel it anyway.

He pulled the bedclothes over her, tucking her in before leaning down and kissing her gently. “Sleep, little one, and know you are home. We are one now, as we have been before, and will be again.”



He supposed he should feel good about seeing to his mate’s need with little regard to his own. He supposed that was what a good mate did. The only problem was that he now had a raging hard-on and all he could think about was how she had come apart in his arms; that he was the first man to ever give her an orgasm; that he could have pressed his advantage and been reveling at having her in his arms.

Mischa supposed it was because she had been so trusting. He rather imagined that she hadn’t been used kindly by the people in her life. Surely the two men she’d been with who hadn’t seen to her pleasure had done her no favors. On the other hand, he liked the fact that he was the only man who would ever see her that way, hear her moans and cries of pleasure, feel her as her body raced towards ecstasy and found the finish line, collapsing against the man who had given it to her.

Realizing that ignoring his condition would do nothing to improve it, he reached his room and removed his clothes, walking into the bath in order to take care of himself. Stepping into the shower, he turned the water on as cold as he could get it to go. He’d never known a time the shock of cold water or snow hadn’t been enough to make his cock retreat to a place where it didn’t ache.

From the moment she’d entered the library, his cock had stood at attention and had strained against his fly. He’d been glad they’d been seated, and the table had hidden the proof of his wild attraction to her. From the moment he laid eyes on her in Italy, his dick hadn’t given him any peace at all. The one night he’d spent at her father’s winery had been hell. He knew he couldn’t go to her room and ravage her, although it was certainly what the beast inside him wanted.

He thunked his head against the tiled wall of his shower. It didn’t help. He was so hard, his dick was painful and leaking pre-cum. Mischa couldn’t remember wanting any female of any species as much as he wanted Simone. His cock throbbed in need.

Well, if the ice-cold water coming out of the shower wasn’t going to do the trick, he could think of only one other thing that would. Well, two ways, but he liked to think he was a better mate than to stride back down the hall, throw open her door, and fall on her like a man possessed. He couldn’t do that. She deserved better than that from him, but she’d been so aroused—her nipples had been like diamond points and her pussy juices had leaked out onto his jeans.

The worst part was that he could have had her. When he’d laid her out on the bed, he could have pulled his clothes off and crawled in beside her. Even now he could be lying with his head between her legs, eating her pussy until she was screaming his name. Or he could have slid her from his lap onto her knees, stood up, unzipped his fly and had her take him into her mouth and provide him with the relief he needed. And there were half a dozen other things he could have done to her in that bed.

The images that flashed before his mind did nothing to help his painful condition. There was only one sure-fire way to handle it. He lathered up his hands and wrapped one of them around his rigid staff. He began to stroke his cock from the root to the head and back again.

Gripping himself more firmly, he stroked harder, thinking how much better it would be if it was Simone supplying his relief. He could easily imagine plowing into her, feeling her pussy tremble around him, clenching his length, sending both of them flying off the edge into a freefall of hedonistic pleasure.

He would flip her on her belly and draw her up on her knees, guiding his cock into her wet heat before grasping her hips and beginning to pound into her. She would take him, and he would use her well. He’d hold her in his grasp so she could do nothing else. He would ride her until she was screaming for him, begging him to drive into her a final time until he’d pumped his seed into her. He would fill her to overflowing.

His orgasm swept over him, making his body stiffen, his breath catch, and then relief sweep through him as his cock spat out his cum onto the shower floor, only to be washed away and down the drain. He leaned his head against the cool shower tile and quickly washed himself.

Feeling like he was back in control, he left the shower, dried himself, and got re-dressed. There was no way he was going to get any sleep. Mischa knew if he closed his eyes vivid images and fantasies of all the things he wanted to do with his mate would come crashing down around him, and he’d have to take himself in hand again, which was the last thing he wanted to do.

Pulling back on his jeans and the sweater, he padded back down the stairs and into his office. If he was going to be tired, he’d at least like to have accomplished some work. He hadn’t been gone long, but there was always paperwork to do.

There was a gentle knock on the door, and his housekeeper, Mrs. Perkins, stuck her head just inside. “I was just going to close up the kitchen and head back to my rooms—” she had her own personal set of rooms just off the kitchen— “and wanted to make sure you didn’t need anything.”
