Page 102 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“Fuck no,” Kerian says, laughing.

“Why not? I’m not used to my wolf yet. I need a fighting chance,” I protest, putting my hands on my naked hips.

“You’re done fighting us, remember,” River says, narrowing his eyes.

“We’ll see.” I grin slowly and shift as fast as I can. As soon as my feet touch the ground as paws, I run. I run like I don’t want to be caught.

They know the truth, though. I may have made them work for it, but when they caught me, it was all worth it.

River gets his wish under the waterfall, but only after Kerian proves why he is Alpha.



“Who the fuck are you? Why am I here?”

I hate it when they whine.

I set down the file I have on the man hanging from the ceiling. I looked into the good doctor that hurt and took away Ava’s ability to have kids. He is a horrible human being. He hurt hundreds of patients, making up complications that simply weren’t true.

“You’ve been a very bad boy.” I lean back in my chair and cross my arms. “How many women have you done unnecessary surgery on?”

“None. They’ve lied to you. I would never do anything like that,” he sputters.

“I have a very long list telling me that’s false,” I say calmly.

“Who are you?” he demands.

“Doesn’t matter. I have a friend, and she was under your knife. She was lied to, and her choice to have children was taken away. Does the name Ava sound familiar? She was seventeen.” I stand up slowly.

“I have no idea who that is,” he denies, shaking his head frantically.

“Really? Her brother was friends with a man named Jason. Jason has been busy helping you over the years. He brings you women from his church, you fix it so they can’t get pregnant, and you share the money from the surgeries,” I growl. “You know what I hate? I hate men who prey on women. I hate liars. Are you going to admit it?”

“Fuck you, you can’t prove it,” he spits.

“I had hoped for a little remorse, but I should have known better.” I sigh and pick up my hammer, swinging it slowly as I walk around him. “I’m a vampire.” His eyes bulge. “I could scramble your brain. I could make you into whatever I want, but that won’t satisfy me. I need to punish you. I need to make you suffer like you made those women suffer.”

“Please, no. I’ll give you whatever you want. Do you want money? I have it; it’s yours if you let me go,” he pleads.

“I don’t need or want your money,” I say.

“I can give you Jason. I’ll lead you to him,” he begs. The smell of urine fills the room.

“I already found Jason. Why would I need help finding him when I found you?” I say, disgusted. “What I want is for men to stop forcing women into things they don’t want,” I hiss. “I talked with your wife.”

“What?” he says weakly, his face leaking of color.

“She had plenty to say. I gave her an option. I would let you go with a tweak of the mind, or I could kill you. She chose the second option. She doesn’t like you much. I gave her enough money to start over somewhere else, free of you.” The poor woman was ready to kiss my feet.

“That bitch,” he yells.

“She was tired of being a punching bag,” I say with gritted teeth. My eyes bleed black. “I hate men that hit women and children. You are the lowest form of man. I’m going to enjoy killing you. I’ve gotten pretty good at it. I can prolong it for days or weeks.”

“God, please, don’t,” he cries.

“Not God. I’m not your angel. I am your executioner,” I growl and show my fangs. I swing the hammer and connect with his knee. His screams echo around me—music to my ears. I tilt my head, watching him struggle to hold back tears. He is a sad little man.

I walk around behind him, swinging again. My hammer hits his other knee in the back. Crying. More crying.

There is no more conversation. I work his body with my hammer, never cracking a smile. I am not happy doing this work. It gives me satisfaction to right the wrongs he did, but I am not happy there are still men out there like him. I will continue to work him over. Tomorrow I will forget he ever existed. Ava will never know what I did. I don’t want her gratitude. I want to rid the world of sick assholes.

That is my mission. That is my only mission.
