Page 11 of Fighting Her Wolves

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Marcus fights dirty. He has a mean left hook, too. I use the paper towel to wipe the blood off my face. Fucking asshole is one tough son-of-a-bitch. Our mate would still be here if we had taken him down sooner. Kerian was determined to play by the rules and let me have the honor of beating the shit out of Marcus. So, he sat back and judged the fight—stupid Alpha rules.

I took him down in the end. I just had to wear him out. That’s what I’m telling anyone that can listen, which is ridiculous; half the pack was watching.

I throw down the blood-soaked towel and pick up my sandwich.

“You lost our mate,” I mumble.

“Excuse me?” Kerian glares. His face is perfectly clear, not marred with cuts. I’ll heal quickly, but it’s the principle of the thing.

“You must have scared her off with your kissing technique.” I purse my lips, smacking them together.

“Fuck you,” he bristles.

“Just saying,” I shrug.

“If you would have quit playing with Marcus and finished sooner, she would still be here.”

“Playing?” I say with my mouth full.

“I call bullshit. I know how you fight. You were playing with him, giving him false hope,” he says, pointing his finger at me.

“That does sound like me,” I muse.

“Jesus, you are insane,” he laughs.

“Not officially yet.” I shove the rest of the sandwich in my mouth. “What now?”

“We go get her. Harmony knows where she lives.”

“No go, man. That would be breaking the girl code.” I shake my head.

“How do you know anything about the girl code?” he asks, disgusted with me.

“I just do. I can find her. I love a good hunt, as you know.” I grin wickedly.

“Or how about we do it the easy way? We fix her car, read the address on the registration, and go to her.”

“Fuck, you’re no fun. I like my idea better,” I sigh. “We can go with your way. She smelled amazing. Like French toast in the morning, covered in syrup.” I lick my lips.

“Is that all you think about is food?” he asks.

“It’s true, isn’t it?” I ask.

“Yeah, she does. Cinnamon and spice,” he reluctantly admits.

Anticipation courses through me. I can’t wait to gorge myself.


I silence my phone after the tenth time Kerian calls. He’s pissed. He should know I wouldn’t sit around using my hands to fix her car instead of putting them to better use on our mate. Just as I know that Kerian will stay and fix her car. He can’t let her be without a vehicle. It would drive him nuts. He’s just calling to lecture me. Don’t scare her off, River. Don’t go crazy on her, River. Don’t come on too strong, River.

Blah, blah, blah.

If he didn’t trust me not to hurt her, he wouldn’t call. He would come after me.

Our gorgeous mate went out the window. I admire her. I walk easily after her, following her yummy scent. I take a bite of my doughnut and ponder her need to run. I’m curious about her motivation. We are two attractive, nice guys, ready to pledge forever with her. What is there to object to? Well, Kerian’s nice.
