Page 12 of Fighting Her Wolves

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I try.

Okay, so maybe the fact that we are shifters could be a pausing point. The fact that Kerian carried her to the office without knowing her name. She’s human. And we ordered her to stay in the office. We may have moved too fast for her.

All good points to run.

If she knew more about me, she would never come back. She would be better off with just Kerian. He would take care of her in every way. He’s the dependable sort. He may have gone off the rails lately, but he’s getting back on track. His heart is big and steady. He would never hurt her or betray her. He’s had a shock. His family drama was extreme, drama that no one saw coming. He wasn’t a paranoid nut job.

Me, I was a tad crazy. Ask anyone. I feel I have a good reason to be, although Kerian doesn’t know the extent of my extended vacation. I didn’t go to a spa or cruise. It wasn’t my choice to leave my best friend, my brother, or the only real family I knew.

The worst day of my life was the day my parents died, and I went to live with my uncle. He was not a nice man. He liked to play games too. Games I was forced to participate in. Nasty memories flood my mind, ones I do everything I can to force deep down.

I take a drink of water to wash down the sugary sweetness and shove my thoughts back to our mate.

I was astonished when I walked into the office. At first, I thought Kerian was messing around during company hours and was about to congratulate him. Until I took in the sweet scent. I hadn’t thought about having a mate before I helped The King of Vampires and his lovely mate, Serenity. She was someone I respected, and to be honest; I was a little jealous Ryker got her. I could see myself settling with her. Of course, I didn’t mention that to Ryker. He would happily tear my heart out over it.

I was not surprised that Kerian and I shared a mate. Wolves are affectionate, as are shifters in general. It is not unheard of to have multiple mates. Most shifters never questioned the bond choices.

Serenity has mentioned her friend Ava to us. I should have paid more attention. This was the first time I had seen her. I was not disappointed. She’s drop-dead gorgeous. She has a beautiful body and an ass that is the perfect landing spot for my hand, but the thing I remember the most about her is her eyes. They are almonds soaked in caramel, full of sadness and pain. But also determination and strength. I was caught. I had to know more. I barely spoke to her, and I had to have her.

I slow when I reach the house where her scent stops. She lives in a small, quiet neighborhood. Her home is cute. She obviously takes care of it. Little flower beds line the yard. It’s painted a cheery yellow, and the lawn is mowed.

You can learn a lot about someone by just sitting back and watching. Some would call it stalking.

I call it research.

I walk to the backyard, following the side of the house, being sure to avoid any windows. This would be so much easier if it were dark outside. I may have to wait here until then.

Just for research purposes.

I settle in to wait beside the side of the small back porch. It’s tall enough that she would have to come all the way out to see me. I lean back against it and let my mind wander.

I always got into trouble. I was the wild child of the pack. My parents grinned and let me spread my wings. Testing the limits was a passion of mine. They were incredible parents. They loved me and made sure to tell me. My mother was an angel. She put up with so much but never acted like it was a burden. She was a homemaker. She treated her boys like kings. We had a delicious meal on the table every night. She made these cookies that I have never been able to replicate. They had chocolate chips, raisins, and white chocolate chunks. Kerian tells me the missing ingredient is love. I didn’t believe him. Now, I realize he may have a point.

My dad was a giant in my eyes. He demanded respect from all he encountered, including me. He was tough but fair. He also encouraged me to find my passion, fulfilling the special place in my heart. He always said his passion was my mother. He demanded I treat her like a queen. He respected her, and I would do nothing less. Their marriage was beautiful and unique. I dreamed of having that someday.

A few years later, they died, and the dream died a painful death. Maybe if my uncle didn’t take me in, it would still be alive.

Ava offered an unexpected second chance at a good life. I should give her up to Kerian. Let him take all of her. I should move away and let them be together, and the bond I feel growing slowly with her will dissipate with time and miles. Though I would always have an ache in my heart and never be happy. I find myself wanting to be selfish at the moment.

I hear her moving around inside. Her steps are angry. She’s talking to herself softly. I can’t make out the dialogue except for the occasional curse word.

Our mate is feisty. I’m going to enjoy chasing her. My wolf growls with anticipation. He talks to me, maybe more than that of the regular shifter. For years, all we had was each other. He kept me going. I love being a wolf. I love knowing I’m stronger and faster. My wolf is larger than most, except Kerian. He loves the sun shining down on his black fur. He can be vicious and unpredictable. I have to let him run regularly, or he constantly growls, driving me nuts. He doesn’t speak to me in words; it’s more like showing me his feelings. It’s hard to grasp if you aren’t a shifter.

Ava’s voice cuts off when a car pulls up to the curb. I narrow my eyes and look over my shoulder to see a man step out. He’s tall and thin. He has a stern expression and a stiff posture. He glares at the house before walking up the sidewalk.

I don’t like the idea of Ava seeing anyone. He certainly is not good enough for her. If he is a date, I have plenty of ways to scare him off.

I lose sight of him as he gets closer to the front door. I stand slowly, keeping close to the house, creeping forward. I hear his knock and sense Ava on the other side, hesitating.

Not a date, then.

“Bartlett, what are you doing here?” Ava asks when she swings the door open.

“I wanted to check in,” he says. His voice is paper-thin and airy. I have to stop my snort of humor from escaping.

“Why? We don’t have anything to talk about anymore,” Ava says. I picture her standing tall with her hands on her luscious hips.

“I’m your brother. Why wouldn’t I want to see you?” he says, clearly frustrated. “You ignore my calls and letters. Coming here is my last resort.”
