Page 33 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“What is that smell?” He inhales.

“Our mate made spaghetti and garlic bread,” Kerian says.

“Really?” His voice hopeful as he comes closer.

“Really, both of you sit. I’ll bring everything to the table.”

“You cooked. We can set the table.” Kerian picks up the plates.

I point to the silverware drawer. “Forks are there,” I say to River.

He looks at me thoughtfully before reaching for the handle.

We settle at the table. Kerian is in the seat my brother occupied yesterday. River helps me into a chair and takes the one opposite me. I feel a pang of hurt. He’s distancing himself. I know the signs. I’ve done it plenty of times.

“Jesus, cupcake,” River says through a mouthful of noodles. “This is fantastic.”

The ridiculous nickname he calls me, which annoyed me initially, infuses me with warmth. We avoid any serious conversation. They talk about the cars they are working on. Since I have nothing to contribute to the subject, I sit back and enjoy the deep timbre of their voices.

I often eat alone. I toss a salad and sit in front of the television, consumed in reality shows most of the time. I have friends I call and an occasional date that buys me a meal, but it takes too much energy lately. I realize I haven’t felt fulfilled in a long time.

A meal that would feed me for a week doesn’t last long with two wolves eating. There isn’t a scrap left by the time they are done. We work together to clean up. River excuses himself to the spare bedroom. He has retreated into his thoughts of his time in the game.

I share a concerned look with Kerian.

I stand awkwardly while he makes up the couch. He pulls off his shirt, so I decide it’s time to find my bed too. I double-check that the doors are locked, say goodnight, and run to my room.


I’m wide awake, staring at the ceiling. I’m worried. Logically, I should be concerned about the madman kidnapping people for his sick games.

River was too quiet.

I give up, getting out of bed. I reach for the doorknob but pause. I look down at my pajamas and debate changing. All I have on is Kerian’s shirt and lacy booty shorts. I’ll take my chances. They’ve seen me in much less.

I tiptoe to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I guzzle half of a glass, turn, and let out a squeak. Kerian is sitting on the couch in the dark, watching me. I walk over to stand in front of him, pretending I didn’t make the embarrassing sound.

“Couldn’t sleep?” he whispers. He cups the back of my thighs.

“No,” I answer.

“Me either,” he sighs. “He’s been up and down, too. I hear him tossing and turning.”

“How good is your hearing?” I ask with a tilt of my head.

“Really good.” His lips twitch.

“Good to know,” I murmur.

“Go to him,” he whispers, losing his humor.

“What?” I whisper back.

“He needs you. He hates showing weakness. His mind is probably spinning, wondering if you see him differently.” His fingers caress the back of my knees, lightly stroking, back and forth.

“Are you sure I should?” I ask, doubtful and a little distracted with his touch.

“Absolutely,” he nods.
