Page 32 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“But, Ava’s human. She wouldn’t stand a chance,” Bash scoffs.

“No,” I say quietly, wiping the tears that escaped. “I’m not going anywhere—Kerian’s right. Whether we end up together or not, we fight with River. He needs us. I may be human, but I’m not completely defenseless.”

“His uncle wants us to be scared. He knew the one thing that would cause River to do whatever he needed to protect our mate. I can put a list together of all the pack members that know about Ava.” Kerian watches River prowl the backyard.

“We should go, give you some time together. We’ll be available for whatever you need.” Ryker offers his hand to Serenity, and they stop in front of me.

“Call me.” Serenity hugs me.

Bash pauses beside me, surprising me when he steeples his fingers on my shoulder. “Take care of him. Stop fighting it, at least for tonight. You don’t go through something like that and not have scars.” The door clicks shut softly behind them.

Silence descends. Having no idea what to say to make Kerian feel better, I go into the kitchen and open my fridge. I can make a meal for them. At least River would appreciate it.

“What are you doing?” Kerian circles my wrist, stepping close.

“The only thing I can right now. We didn’t eat.” I take out some meat that I defrosted.

“He would enjoy a meal made by you.” He runs his hand over my hair.

“I hope so. I feel sick thinking of what he went through.” I swallow thickly.

“We all do. He doesn’t want to be treated differently, though,” he says, glancing out the window.

“You didn’t know any of it?” I ask softly. I’m not sure how far a shifter can hear. River wouldn't appreciate us talking about him.

“No, hardly anything. He hides that part of his life,” he answers.

“He needed to forget.” I nod. “I understand that.”

“We need to talk about this morning,” he says, stroking the inside of my wrist.

“Not now, please,” I urge. “We’ve had enough hard conversations.”

“Alright, but it will happen. It doesn’t change anything.”

“We’ll see,” I mumble. Telling them the details will take courage and hope. Keeping them from killing my brother will be the bigger issue.

“What are you making?” He changes the subject.

“Spaghetti. It’s simple but quick.”

“It’s one of his favorites,” he says wistfully.

“What’s your favorite?” I ask. His eyes light up.

“I love a good steak, rare,” he chuckles, lightening the mood.

“Sounds about right. I like my meat well done,” I smirk.

“Really, your meat?” he grins.

“Yep, I love steak. Dirty boy with a dirty mind.” I shove him playfully away. “I need my wrist to cook.” He exaggerates the power behind my shove, falling back against the counter.

I get to work. I channel all my conflicting emotions into making the spaghetti the best it can be. Kerian sits quietly, his attention split between River and me. I sense he wants to go to him. It’s the first time I have seen him unsure of what to do next. Harmony has talked about Jax, her mate, who is an Alpha, and the heavy burden of ruling a pack. He thrives on control.

I see that same quality in Kerian. He’s had a tough road, though; his family history rocked him.

I take the garlic bread out of the oven when River walks in.
