Page 50 of Fighting Her Wolves

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Chapter Fourteen


My blood is boiling. Why are my hands shaking? I was going to laugh it off. My wolves are hot. I’m sure they have women hitting on them all the time. It was annoying at first, but then she touched him, and something came over me. I wanted to rip her hand off. I felt so much anger and hate toward her. She’s a wolf. I thought every shifter respected the mate bond. Apparently, a few of them did not.

I huff out a breath and look at Kerian, still holding that stupid food she made him.

“We will not eat that.” I point to it. “Throw that shit out.”

Kerian puts it on the table, comes back to me, and kisses me. He pulls my head back by my hair and wraps his arm around my waist, lifting me into him. My hands cup the back of his neck, tangling in his hair.

A throat clearing breaks us apart. I straighten my shirt as I step back.

“That didn’t mean anything,” I lie. It meant everything.

“Liar,” Kerian says softly.

I choose to ignore him, walk back to the island, and pick up a plate.

I let the conversation flow around me while we eat, contemplating my reaction. Harmony described a similar response to her panthers when they met. Of course, I wasn’t as violent as she was, but the thought crossed my mind.

When they declared I was their mate, I didn’t believe them. I figured they would say it was a mistake. Then when I told them about my life, I thought they would definitely call it off. Just because we have off-the-charts sexy times doesn’t mean they are meant for me.

Now, after that woman came over and my need to claim Kerian roared to life, I have to believe them. I’ve been deep in denial. I have to face facts. I know myself, and imagining anyone else with either of them makes me want to kill someone. Even when my brother betrayed me, I didn’t have the urge to cut off his head. The rage that came over me when she touched him was undeniable.

They are mine, and I am theirs.


I hate being wrong. I hate to give up a good fight.

I watch River throw back his head and laugh at something Kerian said. I won’t tell them yet. I’m not ready to be changed into a shifter.

I answer without thinking when my phone rings, too busy looking at River’s muscled chest.

“Ava, don’t hang up,” Bartlett says. The guys fall silent.

“Bartlett, come on. Why won’t you give up?” I moan.

“The church needs us. The women need us to guide them and protect them. Please, can’t you find it in your heart to help them?”

“I can,” I say. “I can help them get therapy. I can show them a path away from that church. It’s not about religion. You teach them to depend fully on a man, serve a man, and never think for themselves. I will help them, just not in the way you want.”

“You ungrateful bitch. After all, I’ve done for you, all the sacrifices I made. You will pay for your disobedience,” he threatens.

“Don’t call again.” I hang up. Kerian puts his hand on my leg, drawing my attention.

“We will help you if there comes a time they want out.”

“Thanks, Kerian,” I say, smiling sadly.

“Cupcake, maybe we should pay him a visit. Just to reinforce your position,” River says, hopeful. My violent wolf is always eager for a fight.

I laugh, “Hopefully, we won’t have to.” I sigh when my phone rings again. I put it to my ear. “Bartlett, lose this number.”

“Having family drama, sweets?” a sugary voice fills the line.

“Who is this?” I ask. River stands abruptly from his chair, his face filled with rage. Kerian grabs his arm urgently, questions in his eyes.
