Page 51 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“My name’s Gill. River is my disobedient nephew. Didn’t he tell you?”

“He did. He told me what a sick fuck you are. Why are you calling me?” I demand.

“I admire a woman with guts. Right to the point. We are going to have so much fun.” The pleasure in his voice sends chills down my spine.

The guys surround me, listening but ready for anything. Even Bishop is watching me carefully.

“I don’t want to have fun with you. Kerian and River show me plenty of fun.” Kerian pulls out his phone and starts sending a message.

“It’s a shame you will lose them so soon after finding them. I have a cage waiting for you,” he threatens.

“Have you always wanted to be a shifter? Is that why you cage them? You want to show them you can be powerful without power. Kind of like comparing dicks,” I taunt, finding joy in his annoyance.

“I am powerful. I can soon show you the fun we can have with my dick.” River breaks the back of the chair.

“So why hide? Why not come out and play with us? You hide in the woods like a coward, picking off desperate shifters for your little game to make you feel like you are big. You take a young boy, starve him, cage him, hurt him, then feel like the big man. You have to threaten me now because you think I’m the weak one. You know you can’t take on River now.”

“You little bitch,” he grits.

“That’s the second time in the last five minutes I’ve been called that. I don’t appreciate it. But you know why men call women that? They do that when they feel threatened. They do that when they know they will lose. Come at me. River will tear you to pieces. Kerian will bury you so deep in the ground no one will remember the man that was nothing but a coward,” I snap, relishing his fury.

“I will get you. I will enjoy watching you being hunted.” He hangs up.

“That went well, I think,” I say.

“I’m so confused. I want to fuck the shit out of you but at the same time spank your ass till it’s burning,” River says, looking at me through his wolf’s eyes.

“I say we go for a little of both,” Kerian growls.

“I think we should not do any of that in front of me,” Bishop says. “Why didn’t you say anything about me being here? It might have scared him. He was always afraid of me,” he asks me.

“Or he would run. You might be our secret weapon. He doesn’t know you're here. He doesn’t know about our friends and all their abilities. He wouldn’t be so cocky if he did,” I say.

“You are either really reckless or really smart,” Bishop says, narrowing his eyes.

“Let's go with the second one,” I reply.

“I will reserve judgment,” he utters.

I’ve tried to avoid the dragon's eyes. On top of being over-the-top beautiful, his eyes are hypnotic. I don’t want to embarrass myself or cause my wolf's anger by drooling. I feel none of the intensity of the bond with him, but damn, he’s beautiful.

“I vote for incredibly reckless,” Kerian says, breaking my survey of the dragon.

“I do, too, but I find myself really happy.” River eyes me up and down with heat.

“Why would he call?” Kerian frowns. “He has to know we will do anything to protect Ava.”

“That is the reason,” River says quietly. “I finally have some good in my life.” He looks at me softly. “He knows I would give myself up to keep you safe.”

“No, River,” I protest.

“I will,” he says firmly. “I hope it won’t come to that. We have to find him first. The ultimate game of hide and seek—his sick version. He loves games. He doesn’t need the element of surprise on his side. He wins whether it’s me or Ava in a cage. Either way, he gets me.”

“Let’s aim for neither. I messaged Ryker; he’s waiting,” Kerian tells River. “I’ll stay here with Ava. You two meet him and figure out where this fucker is. You know him best.”

“Are you going to spank her?” River asks with interest.

“I haven’t decided.”
