Page 64 of Fighting Her Wolves

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I can’t let this opportunity go. The fewer men on the hunt, the better. I carefully reach for the gun. I feel like I’m moving in slow motion. My heartbeat echoes in my ears as I check the weapon. It is a tranquilizer gun, loaded and ready to go. I point it at the idiot on his knees who’s still moaning at the loss of his friend, grateful he’s wearing bright orange, guiding me to my target. I let out a breath, aim, and pull the trigger. Perfect hit to his ass. He lets out a squeak and looks behind him. I can’t see his expression at this angle, but I imagine the confusion.

He falls still. His body sways once, twice, and then plunges headfirst into the forest floor. Shit, those work fast.

This is the difficult part. I can’t leave him there. Who knows if he will be missed? If someone stumbles upon him, they could figure out my position. I don’t know if the darts last for hours or minutes.

I sling the gun back onto my back. I make the painful trip down from my hiding spot, frequently stopping to listen to the sounds around me. I take out the zip ties, and pull his hands behind his back. I inch his body in the opposite direction of his friend to another hiding spot. I spot an indention on the forest floor in front of a tree. I stuff his glove into his mouth in case he wakes. When I check his pockets, I find even more treasure. A flashlight, bandages, a granola bar, and water. No phone, which would be way too easy. I leave his gun but take the darts.

By the time I repeat the process of climbing the tree, my pockets are bursting. The flashlight is in my mouth; because my pockets are only so deep, I’m exhausted. Hunter Number Two was a lot heavier than Number One. I don’t have any idea how long it took, but I did look at Number Two’s watch. It’s nearing midnight. If they go all night, I have a while to go. I force myself to eat the rest of the candy bar since I need the sugar, drink more water, and sit back and wait.

If I have to, I will pick off these fuckers one at a time until they all are dead.


I doze off until a loud whistle rings out. My eyes snap open, searching the dark for a hunter.

“Come out, come out, where ever you are,” a voice sings. It’s very faint but growing louder as he moves closer. He says it over and over. There is shuffling and a whimper.

That voice is familiar.

A shadow moves in between the trees. He’s holding Stephanie in front of him. He crouches down enough that I won’t be able to get off a shot. He’s using her as a shield. Stephanie is weak, letting him hold her up.

“I’ll kill her if you don’t come out,” he threatens.

Fuck. She’s been through enough. I believe him when he says he’ll kill her. I will have to turn my back on him to get down. He could take a shot, and I can do nothing about it.

He still can’t see exactly where I am. Can I live with her death on my hands?

No. She doesn’t deserve any of this.

I carefully climb down. My limbs are weak and unsteady. The moment my feet touch the ground, I turn to face them.

“Take the gun off and throw it,” he instructs.

I do as he says. At least I still have the knife. “Let her go.” I meet her eyes, full of regret and pain.

“I’m not ready to do that,” he smirks. “She’s a useful tool.”

“I’ll do what you want; please just let her go.”

He throws her to the side. With a pained cry, she falls to the ground.

“I have to give you credit. I didn’t think you would last this long,”

Stephanie crawls further away, trying to push to her feet. She looks back at me as she uses a tree for support. I nod at her, urging her to go. I turn my attention back to the man holding a gun at me. His other hand is still gripping the knife at his side.

“It was you. You drugged me,” I state. My boss grins wide.

“I did.” Brice’s expression is smug.


“Why? Do you know I have been working to make the world perfect? Every day I use my gifts to sculpt the human form into a perfect species. I nip and tuck ugly into beautiful. Shifters are abnormal. They aren’t perfect. They need to be put out of their misery,” Brice preaches.

“When did you start working with Gill?” I ask.

“Two years ago. We met online. I was searching for a purpose. My eyes were opened when I learned of the supernatural. He educated me even more. He planned to start the games again, but better. I offered my assistance and my drugs. He needed a more powerful drug to keep the animals subdued. I agreed to get them for him as long as I could hunt for free. We formed a partnership. He told me about River, the one that got away. It was pure luck that he turned out to be your mate. I was angry at first; I wanted you for myself. I decided to turn it to my advantage. Gill will give you to me as long as he gets River back.” He puts the knife away and holds the gun with both hands.

“How do you expect him to find me as long as the witch is hiding this place?” I won’t get my blade out before he gets off a shot.
