Page 65 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“Don’t worry about it. You’ve been busy making friends, haven’t you?”

“I’m a likable girl.” I smile. “Well, this is definitely going to put a crimp in our working relationship. I’ll get it out of the way now: I quit.”

“You amaze me.” He studies my face. “You can make jokes while being held captive.”

“Do you want me to cry?” I scoff.

“It wouldn’t hurt,” he says dryly.

“Sorry, I’m fresh out of tears,” I shrug. I don’t see the punch to the face coming. The next thing I know, I’m on the ground, on my stomach. I curl into myself. My face is throbbing.

“I can make you,” he sneers, standing over me. “You are at my mercy, sweets. We are going to have so much fun together. You may resist at first, but I’ll break you,” he promises. He laughs cruelly when I whimper as he pulls my head back by my hair. “I can’t wait to fuck you.” His hot breath skates over my ear.

I refuse to go out this way. He pushes my head down with a jerk. I can’t allow him to have the chance to do the sick things in his head. When I landed, my right hand tried to break my fall, and my weapon hidden in my shirt pressed against it. I slip my hand into my shirt.

“I have to say, you are a dick,” I say. “I’ve never been able to understand why all those women want to sleep with you. I don’t see the appeal. I have no plans to join the ranks.”

“Bitch,” he starts.

I swing my arm back while clicking the button and slice his ankle. He cries out in surprise and stumbles back. I don’t waste time seeing how much damage I did. I push to my feet and run. I run as fast as I can. He swears and comes after me. Branches slap my face as I run blindly. I ignore the pain.

I’m ready for my mates to come to the rescue. I don’t want to fight anymore. Those assholes better get here soon.

Chapter Nineteen


We left the cars far behind us. We’ve been walking for miles. My temper is holding on by a thread. The thought of what our mate is going through is torturous. I swear if she is hurt in any way, I will string my uncle up by his ankles and choke him with his intestines. I’ll leave him for days, swinging, and kill him slowly. I’m grateful for Kerian’s voice of reason in my twisted head.

I look over at his stern face. I know he’s in misery. He loves Ava. He loves me, too. The only reason we have gotten this far is him. He knows if I saw him lose it, there would be no hope for me.

Bash is carrying a bag with extra clothes for us. Most likely, we will let our wolves out and will need them. Logically, I know he’s not at fault for Ava’s disappearance, but my anguish needs a scapegoat. I know he feels remorse and blames himself; I just don’t have it in me to reassure him at the moment. Once I have Ava safe and in my arms in our house, I can deal with the feelings concerning him.

Ryker walks beside me, holding Serenity in his arms. He isn’t happy that we left the car. His concern for his mate is understandable. She’s pregnant, a rare vampire baby. I would do the same. Our theory isn’t working yet. We have been silent for the last mile. We’ve walked past farms and empty cabins with no sign of anything. We are out in the middle of nowhere, and I’m not positive we are going in the right direction.

“Wait,” Serenity whispers. We all stop as one.

“What?” Ryker asks.

“I feel something different. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like there is a rope tugging me in that direction.” She points in front of us and to the right. All I see is an empty field for miles.

“Doll, not that I doubt you, but that is not somewhere he would hold them,” I say.

“Exactly,” she whispers. “I’m telling you, the witch is there. She’s signaling me somehow. Your eyes are seeing what he wants you to see. That must be the barrier; once you step past it, your environment will change.” She looks at us. “Trust me. The witch is there, and so is Ava. I feel it.”

I stare at her, seeing her sincerity. I believe her. I want to believe her.

“I’m staying here with Serenity. I’m sorry, but I can’t leave her,” Ryker says firmly.

“I understand,” Kerian says.

“I will send a message to Jax and tell him the location,” Ryker says.

Bishop steps in front of me. I appreciate his willingness to put himself in this position again. This time he has the tricks to fight with.

“I’ll circle above. Test the height of the shield,” he says. We share an understanding look and clasp hands.

“Be careful. They will be able to see us before we see them,” I warn.
