Page 79 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“Yes, they are being spread out between all of our friends. Stephanie left you a note. She is reuniting with her family.” Kerian pauses to take a drink. “While you guys were busy, Bash called. Logan is staying in his building for now. They found records of lists of shifters in the area. These guys did their homework. We think they were working with the hunter Serenity’s mom was involved with. Ryker and River found the files she kept and destroyed them after going through them. Bash and Logan took the ones they found back to the apartments to look over later.”

“Do they think we took care of all the ones involved? Or is there another sick fuck going to show up?” River asks, sneering.

“We don’t know. I think there are always going to be people like that out there. We just have to deal with it when we hear about them.”

“It sucks that shifters can’t live in peace,” I say.

“There has always been someone threatened by us that wants to eliminate the threat,” River says with disgust.

“What is the process to turn a mate?” My question makes them freeze mid-bite. They both slowly set down their forks and look at me intently.

“First, the one being turned has to be sure. They have to be willing, eager even, to become one of us. That’s one of the main reasons forced turnings fail. It may seem farfetched, but the universe knows your heart. It’s not easy; the essence of your body changes.” He glances at River, who’s nervously moving his food around his plate. “Your mate, or mates if you have multiple, bite you. Part of them will enter through the skin, marking you forever, and start the change. It can start slow but go for hours or days. You will be in pain. Your mates will stay close to guide you through. The closer we are, the easier it will be.”

“He forgot to mention that usually, we bite during sex,” River says, gaining his composure.

Kerian continues, ignoring him. “Once your body finishes the process, you will begin to show your wolf. The first shift is always painful, but as you shift more, it gets easier, more natural.”

“Will I know how to change back?” I ask.

“Your wolf will help you, but it will be difficult since it will be the first time. We will never leave you, and you will be able to understand us even in our human bodies. Your wolf will want to stretch her legs and explore, so it’s normal to stay as a wolf longer at first. We don’t want you to panic if you can’t shift back immediately.” Kerian pushes his plate away.

“You will live a long life. You’ll be stronger, faster, and hard to kill. Some shifters gain gifts with the change, but there are no guarantees. We will be able to feel you inside us. The bond will be completed, and all of our emotions will connect. It can be overwhelming when you are bombarded with our feelings. Over time it will get better. We can teach you to shut them out when you need to,” River says.

I look at them both and then out the window. I take a minute to digest all they told me.

“I was terrified out there. All I wanted was to be here with both of you.” I take a deep breath. “I want get some closure with my brother, and at least get some answers from a lawyer. Will you give me some time to decide? If you still want me?”

Chapter Twenty-Three


I was honored to be the one to help her work through her experience. I was humbled that Kerian saw her need and knew I was the obvious one to make her feel better. My chest has been tight with worry since we found her. Giving her pleasure was fucking magical.

My chest loosened, and our bond expanded. Of course, it was a thrill to be with her fully in that way. She gave me her trust, not just her desire. I was looking forward to all of our moments. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought of all the ways I wanted to command her. She’s my perfect partner, and I hope she will decide to complete our bond.

Kerian snaps out of it before I do, shoving his chair back, leaning over her, and kissing the shit out of her. It feels right seeing them together. Many others would judge us, and it has been the norm to have one partner. We are part animals, though, and I am grateful to know Kerian will always be there for her. It makes me happy to see it.

“River?” Ava questions hesitantly.

“Cupcake,” I say roughly. “Of course we still want you. We’ll give you the time you need to decide.” I pick her up and sit her on my lap. I slide my hands up her thighs and grab on. I kiss her. Deep and hot. “You just want more time for us to play together and convince you, right?” I ask.

She laughs. “It won’t hurt.”

“I should do some more convincing, just to make sure,” I say, wiggling my eyebrows.

“That will have to wait. The next time, I’ll have to do my share of convincing,” Kerian says, looking at her with heat. “We need to get you to bed, but to sleep.”

He holds his hand out to her. We take what is going to be our usual spots. I fit tight to her back, my arm cushioning her head, and Kerian faces her closely, his fingers wrapped around her wrist. My heart expands to overflowing. The words of love are on the tip of my tongue, but I swallow them back.

The timing isn’t right—one step at a time. We have to deal with her asshole brother first.


I wake up in the dark and alone. I hear Ava’s voice in the kitchen, carefree with laughter. Kerian is with her. Bash’s cold presence reaches me, and he brought Logan. Logan smells like the sun. His voice is deep and serious, though—a weird contrast.

I smell food. Chinese. My stomach rumbles.

I don’t bother with a shirt as I roll out of bed and join them.
