Page 80 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“Mate, did you cook?” I ask her. They are sitting around the island. Ava is standing between Kerian's legs, but at my voice, she hurries over. I hug her and breathe in.

“No, the guys brought it.”

“I bet you could make better, but I’ll still eat it. I wouldn’t want it to go to waste,” I say, rubbing my stomach. She giggles and leads me to a chair beside Kerian. She stands between us. I pull her onto my leg when she sets a container in front of me.

“Logan, Bash.” I nod at them. “What brings you?”

“We wanted to check on Ava,” Bash says.

I blink. He certainly changed his behavior towards her. His fuckup must have shaken him. I decide to forgive him.

“We were looking in the files. They are extensive and detailed. We discovered they were sharing information with Serenity’s mom. They didn’t work together, exactly, but they collaborated, sharing locations and information about the shifters. Where they were, which ones they would go after. Apparently, they didn’t want to cross paths while kidnapping.” Logan’s anger was clear.

“Jesus,” I hiss.

“Yeah. There are lists of shifters they killed. It pisses me off; they did nothing wrong.” Logan huffs. He has shaved since the last time I saw him. I can see his jaw tighten in anger.

“What about your family? Will you go back home?” Ava asks.

“I can’t go back there,” he answers roughly. “Being taken is the worst kind of shame to my people.”

“That’s ridiculous. Why would they hold that against you?” Ava says, scowling.

“They will. Lions are supposed to be strong at all times. I would be considered weak in their eyes,” he says sadly.

“Did you have parents? Siblings?” I ask. I’ve heard about the harsh hierarchy of a pride.

“Yes, my dad is the Alpha. I was expected to take over for him. I would be shunned if I went back. They won’t follow a leader that was trapped in a cage for so long.” He hangs his head.

“We’d like to offer you a place here. You won’t have the same position as you did, and you would start at the bottom, but we would welcome you,” Kerian offers.

“I am grateful. Let me think about it.”

“Of course. It’s an open invitation.” Kerian nods.

“Thank you,” he says.

“If Ava chooses to be changed, you’ll have to run with us,” I say with a mouth full of noodles.

“Get in touch when things are settled?” Logan tells Ava.

“I have to deal with some family issues.” She leans back into me. “It’s complicated.”

“I can understand that. I would be honored to run with you,” Logan says.

“Thank you,” she says softly. I can see the soft spot they have for each other, even though they just met. Being in that kind of traumatic situation brings those going through it closer, as if you have known each other for a long time. I have no bad vibes from Logan, and he doesn’t show any interest in her in any other way but as friends.

“We should take off.” Bash stands and Logan follows. “Keep us informed. Ava, the next time I see you, I hope to meet your wolf.” He doesn’t look at Ava as he speaks.

“Bash,” Ava calls. She slips off my lap and walks over to the stoic vampire. “Thanks for coming for me. But it’s weird when you are too nice to me. The next time you see me, give me some crap. Say my fur is ugly or something.” She smiles and hugs him. He stands awkwardly, his arms remaining at his side. He finally pats her on the back with one hand.

“Alright,” he mutters, but a crooked grin touches his lips. He doesn't wait for Logan as he speeds out the door.

We join Logan in laughter. “I better go; he’s my ride.” He tucks Ava into his arms. “Later, warrior.” He ruffles her hair and jogs to catch up to Bash.

“So odd,” she whispers. She shakes her head and looks at us. “I’m going to shower and then call the number of the lawyer Bash recommended.”

“I can wrap your feet once you're done,” Kerian says.
