Page 82 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“I love her,” he says easily. “I don’t know how I would cope if she turns away from us. I wake up every day thinking about her and every minute in between.” He smiles. “When you interrupted us in the office, I saw your face. When you stated your claim, I thought,that sounds right.I’m glad the universe picked us together to be hers.”

“Me too,” I say softly. “Now, enough of the mushy shit. I believe I have some extra room for more noodles.” I pull a full container over.

“Love you too, brother,” he says, laughing.

“Ditto,” I say with my mouth full.

“I don’t know where you put it. Seriously, how?” He shakes his head.

“I’m a badass wolf. I need my calories.”

I can deny it all I want, but deep down, I needed to hear his words. I worried he would think less of me once he learned of all I went through. Kerian is the strongest person I know, and he never shows weakness; I feared he would judge me. I should have known better.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I hold my breath as I stand on the other side of the bedroom door. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I was going to tell them that I spoke with the lawyer. That he was eager to help me. I stopped with my hand on the doorknob when I heard them talking. It sounded serious, so I didn’t want to interrupt. I couldn’t force myself to move. I heard most of it, I think. I heard enough. I heard the pain, insecurities, and mutual trust. I heard their fear. I heard that they love me.

They love me.

I haven’t even admitted to myself how much I love them.

I’m surprised they didn’t hear my heart beating out of my chest. That was how important their conversation was to them, and they were too distracted to hear it. I am learning every day how wonderful they are.

Kerian has had so much responsibility. I can’t imagine the pressure he’s been under. Plus, growing up living with a man that tricked you into believing he was family. He sees what everyone else needs. He holds on to his control like a lifeline. What does he need?

River copes with his pain with humor and food. He’s pushed away his feelings for fear of being ridiculed for someone else's actions against him. He feared Kerian’s reaction. He didn’t want a mate. He didn’t think he was worthy of one.

They love me.

They would love me even if I didn’t choose the change. They are selfless and want me to be happy.

I need to call my brother. The lawyer advised against it, but he knew I would, stating that whatever I decided to do about our relationship wouldn’t affect his job. He would get the money for me. No laws were stopping me from it. Bartlett had no claim on it.

I’m going to talk to my brother. At the very least, to get all my feelings out in the open. He has to leave Jason at home. Having him here will only make it more challenging.

I pull out my phone to message him. I’m sure he’s still in town. Now, I have to convince my wolves to let him come here.


I pace nervously. Bartlett will be here soon. He assured me he would come alone. My wolves were humoring me. They held little hope of him changing. Kerian stands at the window, waiting. River is lounging on the couch, snacking on crackers. Why am I so nervous? It’s not like anything will change if this goes badly. Things will go back to only speaking to him when I have to, and he will continue to think the worst of me. I have questions that I have always been afraid to ask. Depending on his answers, I will decide how I go on.

“He’s here,” Kerian says, looking over at me with concern. He walks over to the door to let him in.

Bartlett shoves his way past Kerian, walks over to me with purpose, and pulls me into his chest. He hugs me. I look at my mates, startled. They were in the process of rushing to me before they realized his intent. I don’t remember the last time Bartlett hugged me.

“You’re alright?” he asks, grabbing my shoulders and holding him at arm's length. His expression is filled with worry.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

“You were held by a madman. In the woods. In a cage.” His voice rises with each word.

“How did you know?”

“When I couldn’t find you, I went to their garage. A guy there told me. Is it true?”

“It is.”
