Page 95 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“Of course. Your mates started the change. Now, it’s your choice to finish it,” she explains.

“How do I do that?”

“To start, you have to admit that I am real. You are real. This conversation is happening.”

“Alright. Sure my dream wolf is real,” I scoff. “Where are we?”

“In your mind.”

I stare at her blankly. The guys should have explained better.

“Our mates know this is your journey. Everyone is different. They were born wolves; their journey was not this.”

“That makes sense. You are my wolf.”

“Yes.” Can a wolf smile? She widens her smile at my thought.

“Will it always be like this?” I ask.

“No, you have to accept me. Once you do, I will be you, and you will be me. We will be connected in a profound way. We can still communicate but not in so many words.”

“How do I do that?”

“That is up to you. You have to believe in me.”

“Are my mates alright?” I bite my lip, anxious to be with them.

“Our mates are fine. They are worried but have faith.”

“Our mates,” I mutter. “Do you know all about me?”

“Yes, I am meant to be you. I am in your head, with your memories and emotions.”

“I’m sorry, this is really strange. I’m struggling,” I confess.

“I know. Do you love them?” She sits in front of me.

“I do.” I feel weird standing over her, so I sit beside her. “Does this mean, when I was born, I was meant for this?”

She smiles mysteriously in my head.

“Is this life, with them, as a wolf, what you want?” she asks.

“Yes,” I say. I reach out to touch her, curious. She is so soft.

“Good, I want it to.”

“Do you know their wolves?” I ask.

She giggles. “Not yet. But I feel them close.”

“I’ve seen them. They have protected me.” I stroke her back.

“I’ve seen that memory,” she says.

“Is it going to hurt to merge or whatever with you?” I ask.

“Sure, for the first time. Maybe the second, but just like with everything, the more you do it, the less it hurts.”
