Page 24 of Saving Her Vampire

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“We have to protect her from Brandon.” I brush off his words. “If he knows that she is poking around his business, he’ll target her.”

“She will have the best protection. You,” he says, waving lazily at me.

I stop wandering the room to look him in the eyes. “What if I’m not enough?” I ask softly.

“Who else will be better than her mate?”

“I don’t know how to be a mate,” I hiss.

“I didn’t either. Instinct will kick in. All they want is love, respect, and devotion.”

“I don’t know if I can love.” I frown.

“You can. You have to have some faith.”

“I lost my faith a long time ago,” I snort.

“You’ll find it again. For her.”

“Fuck, I hate you,” I growl.

“I love you too, brother,” he says, smiling.

“Back to Brandon,” I say, clearing my throat. “We have to take care of him.”

“I hate to say it, but Marie would be an asset to bringing him down.”

“No,” I snarl, my fangs lengthening.

“Bash, she can get the evidence. Unless we want to use your methods?”

“What methods?” I ask, playing dumb.

“Don’t insult me. I know what you do. I would never stop you.”

“Will Marie agree with my methods?” She has taken to being the mate of a vampire surprisingly well, but maybe once she finds out what I do with my skills, it will cross the line. If she is determined to stay with me, I will not keep it from her. I don’t want to live together with lies between us.

“She might surprise you. She isn’t the Marie that was described to me.”

“She’s not afraid of me,” I say with confusion.

“She’s not meant to be.”

“I don’t know how to handle her.”

“The only time you handle your mate is in the bedroom,” he scoffs.

“I don’t want to talk about that; I’m hanging by a thread,” I groan.

“I heard about the orgasm,” Ryker says.

“One orgasm,” I clarify. “It took everything I had to walk away.”

“Why walk away?”

“She’s not ready.”

“Did she say that?”
