Page 87 of Saving Her Vampire

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I’m not so excited now. We are standing in front of the club, and I’m panicking a little. The sights and sounds are waving over me. My eyes scan all the people standing in line, picturing my teeth tearing into them.

“I don’t think I can do this,” I whisper to Bash.

“I have faith in you. It’s better to experience it right away, so you can get used to being around humans. Let’s take it one step at a time,” he says. He wraps his arm around my waist. “Concentrate on walking in the door.”

“One step at a time,” I repeat. My hand has a death grip on his back, bunching his suit jacket in my fist.

“Sebastian,” the man at the door says. He gives Bash a respectful nod. He’s a vampire. He has the same aura that Bash has.

“Fredrick, how’s it going?” Bash asks.

“Good night,” Frederick says, flickering his eyes to me. “Congratulations, you deserve it.”

“I don’t know about that, but thank you.” Bash urges me forward through the doors.

My heart thrashes in my chest at the thousands of people in the club. I freeze, swallowing thickly. So many bodies full of blood to tempt me. The dance floor is filled. The two bars on opposite sides are packed.

Bash spins me to face him and bends down to look in my eyes. “You did good. We are going to walk to the stairs and up. Ryker has a balcony room for us that will minimize the effects of the crowd. All we have to do is go across the floor. Once we get there, you will feed on me.”

He gives me the right motivation. His blood is so much more tempting than anyone else’s in this room. “What will the others say?”

“Doesn’t matter. All they will see is a vampire feeding his mate,” he says.

“Okay,” I say softly.

“Hey,” he says. “You are brave and a survivor. You can do this.”

“Okay,” I say but more firmly.

He nods, takes my hand, and pulls me across the floor. I keep my eyes on his back and think about his hand in mine. I am jerked from my concentration by a man plowing into me. I can’t help my reaction as I hiss at him and press into Bash.

Bash grabs the man by the neck and gets close to his face. “Forget this, and never look her way again.” The man nods shakily. Bash releases him with an angry shove and continues on his way.

My breath is sharp by the time we get to the top of the stairs. We step inside the room to the shout of congratulations. I can’t focus on who is there; my vision is spotty.

“Thanks, just give us a moment,” Bash says, turning away. He picks me up by my thighs, wrapping them around his waist. My arms go around his shoulders. “Take what you need.”

I don’t think about all of our friends watching or my freakout. I bite the front of his neck, drinking. His hand cradles my head, and his other supports me under my ass. I feel him sitting but don’t open my eyes, too intent on his taste. I forget everything else. The mummer of voices surrounds me. Nothing matters but Bash.

“Good girl,” he whispers.

I let out a deep sigh. Everything is right in my world when he says that. Tears prick my eyes, knowing this man will catch me whenever I fall. He doesn’t judge me, even when I jumped up and down with glee when we made it to the alley beside the club when I succeeded in blurring.

I gently pull my fangs from him and lick the marks. I sit up on his lap, and he looks at me softly.

“All good?” he asks.

“Yes,” I confirm. “Sorry.”

“None of that. You have nothing to be sorry about.”

“No shit, remember the day after I turned you?” Ryker asks, laughing.

I turn around on Bash’s lap to look at him. Ryker is sitting across from us with Serenity on his lap. Two of Harmony's mates, Blue and James, are next to them. Ava is here with her mates, Kerian and River. Bishop rounds out the crew, sitting to the left of us.

“We don’t need to talk about it,” Bash growls.

“I think we do,” I say, grinning. I’m grateful to Ryker for breaking through my embarrassment.
