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“Don’t you think we should wait for the doctor to say it’s okay for me to eat?” I whispered, hesitant to upset him further.

“You’re hungry,” he replied as he walked back over to me, taking my hand and placing a soft kiss on the back. “It’s something I can fix.”

“No need to worry,” Doc said from the doorway. “Food will be good for her. Everything appears to be normal in the lab results, with the exception of a trace amount of sodium thiopental.”

I felt Nic stiffen next to me, his hand gripping mine more tightly. “They drugged you?”

“Yes.” The thought of it made me rub the spot on my arm where they’d injected me. “After they got me into the car, they shot me up with something.”

“Their choice of which drug to use is unusual, but it’s a lucky one considering you’re pregnant. There’s very little risk to the baby with the dose they gave you.”

“I’m pregnant?” I cried.

“You are,” Doc confirmed. “Your HCG levels are appropriate for someone four weeks pregnant.”

I shook my head, looking up at Nic with wide eyes and blushing wildly. “But that isn’t possible.”

“What isn’t, sweetie?”

Nic growled deep in his throat at Doc calling me sweetie. If I wasn’t so upset and embarrassed about what I needed to say, I might have found it sexy that he was even jealous of an old man.

“I can’t be four weeks pregnant because I only had sex for the first time about two weeks ago.”

“Ahhh,” Doc nodded his head, as though my concern was meaningless. “That actually lines up perfectly since the development of pregnancy is counted from the first day of the woman's last normal menstrual period, even though the development of the fetus doesn’t begin until conception, which is about two weeks later.”

“Oh,” I sighed, understanding dawning. “And the baby’s okay?”

“I’ll monitor you closely, but there’s nothing in the tests to indicate anything but a normal pregnancy,” he assured me.

“Thank you,” I whispered through tears, happy ones this time. The tension I’d been carrying inside eased, and I sagged in Nic’s arms.

“No, thank you,” he corrected.

I smiled up at him blearily. “We’re pregnant,” I whispered in awe.

“I never doubted it for a minute,” he answered arrogantly, turning my tears into laughter just in the nick of time.

“Mommy! You saved me and then Daddy saved you. I knew he would.” Sophia ran into the room and threw herself into my arms, Allegra following behind her, along with several of Nic’s men.

“I did, too,” I murmured into her hair.

My heart melted at hearing her call me “mommy” for the first time, as I listened to her chatter on about watching her favorite movies in a special room her daddy had locked her and Nonna in to make sure they were safe while he rescued me. I looked up at Nic and raised my brow, curious about her description. He smiled mysteriously and shrugged his shoulders. One of my hands stroked her hair as the other rested on my belly. It wouldn’t be long before I’d have two children to love. Nic had done more than save me—he’d given me the family I’d always longed to have.



“Nic, please,” Gianna begged, running a hand down my torso and attempting to palm my cock.

“No, bellissima,” I sighed as I caught her hand and brought it to my mouth for a soft kiss. It took everything in me to turn her down. It had been three weeks since I’d brought Gianna home from the hospital, and I’d somehow held off on making love to her so she could recover. I discovered a thread of steel in my control I didn’t know I had. It developed from my fear of losing my sweet Gianna. What if I lost control, got too rough, and hurt her or the baby?

I’d only ever been with one woman, if you could even classify her as a woman. We were teenagers, just kids, and didn’t really know what we were doing. After she had found out she was pregnant, she was filled with resentment toward me. Our relationship, physical or otherwise, ended. Then Sophia was born, and we never saw her again.

The doctor had told me to wait for a couple of weeks before resuming “relations,” his word, with Gianna. I wanted to wait a little longer, just in case. She was still tired and though the bruises had faded, she seemed to drag physically. I was simply going to have to keep replacing the heat of her pussy with the icy cold water in my showers.

We were lying in bed, her soft body draped all over me as I held her close. I brushed some hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. “You’re not well, mia dolce.”

She huffed and shoved away from me, breaking my hold on her and sitting up. “I’m perfectly fine, Nic. Except for my need to be fucked!” she snapped.
