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"Well," I say, and I take a step toward her, looking her right in her gorgeous dark eyes. "Let's just say my dreams have changed. There's something else in my life that mattered to me more."

Her cheeks flush again. She gets the message. Loud and clear.

Stepping forward, she reaches out a hand to me. Gently, as if she's afraid it'll hurt, she brushes my chest with her fingertips. Her touch sends chills down my spine, and I close my eyes, trying desperately to keep myself from moving closer. I've got to let her come to me.

Fortunately, I don't have to wait very long.

When my eyes are closed, I hear her take another few steps forward until she's so close to me that I can feel the warmth of her body. Her hand traces up my chest, finding my jawline and eventually settling against the back of my head, where her fingers twist through my hair, as she's always loved to do.

And then, just as I'm about to open my eyes, her lips graze mine. Hesitant and wary. Afraid of going too fast.

I can't take it anymore. Pushing my head forward, I bring our lips together and put my hands on her waist, pulling her hips against mine.

Electricity surges through me at her touch, forcing me to step forward, pressing her against the nearby wall between the cooling racks. Her hands find my chest, my waist, feeling every part of me she can reach. And I do the same to her. I tug at her hair, push my tongue into her mouth to taste her again, and even risk bringing a hand down to cup her wonderful behind.

The feeling is exquisite and euphoric.

It's better than anything I've felt before. It is ecstasy having Denise back in my arms.

All too quickly, she's tilted her head back, tugging her lips from mine. I open my eyes and watch her, her face flushed and her bosom heaving as she pants. She was enjoying the kiss as much as I was.

Catching her breath, she finally whispers, her voice barely audible over the blood pounding in my ears, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I say, then tug her into a full embrace again.

I put my lips to her neck, licking her flesh, wanting to taste every inch of her body. She grabs my wrist and moans softly, bringing my hand up to take her breast. I pinch her nipple through her shirt, and her hips grind softly against me.

Oh, how we've both missed this.



I'll be honest - when I first saw Brett in the bakery, I was ready to slap him.

I wanted to yell at him, to tell him how much he had hurt me.

I was still seething from the whirlwind of events that unfolded between us. The betrayal, the lies, the heartache - all of it was still raw, fresh like a wound that wouldn't heal. When he pulled me back into the kitchen, I thought I was about to be in for another brawl.

Little did I know that he had something else in store.

I'm used to getting half-hearted apologies from men. But this... This was different. He didn't just apologize. He expressed genuine remorse and regret for the pain he caused me. I heard the passion in his voice, and it was as if a lightbulb clicked on in my head.

Brett and Dave are different. Dave never apologized for his lies and betrayal. He never took responsibility for his actions. On the other hand, Brett owned up to his mistake and did everything he could to make it right. He made me understand that he loves me and that I'm worth fighting for.

Sheila was right. I've found my one.

And judging by the way he's looking at me at me now, my guess is he feels the same way.

Brett holds my hand as we walk back to the front of the bakery, his fingers interlocked with mine. His touch is gentle and cautious as if guarding a precious gift. And despite myself, I can't help but smile at the fact that I am that gift.

Bash, Sheila, and Lisa look at us expectantly when we return, their faces lighting up in delight when they see our intertwined hands.

Bash approaches us first, eyeing us cautiously.

"All is well, I take it?" He asks, a smile playing on his lips. Brett turns to me and squeezes my hand, waiting for me to reply.

I smile shyly and lean my head on Brett's shoulder. "Yeah, all is well."
