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Bash slaps Brett on the back while Sheila and Lisa cheer and pull me away from Brett, enveloping me in a group hug.

"Told you," Sheila says, her voice muffled by my shoulder. "I knew he was the one."

Lisa, never one to hold back her enthusiasm, winks at me and says, "I can't wait for the wedding!"

I laugh, savoring the moment. "Geez, one step at a time."

After the paperwork is finished, Brett gives us all an official tour of the new bakery. It's so much bigger than Sugar Breeze.

It's got high ceilings adorned with rustic wooden beams, gleaming new stainless-steel appliances, and a large glass display case for the pastries. Cozy seating areas invite patrons to relax and savor their treats, with vintage lamps that create a warm and inviting ambiance.

That, combined with Brett's promise to help me hire a team of quality bakers, makes this place practically buzz with potential.

Already, I have so many plans before the opening next month. New things to make, brand new recipes I was too scared to try. A way to stamp my name on the world. The possibilities are endless, and I can't help but feel that this is just the beginning.

And I'll have Brett by my side the whole way.

"You know, Denise," he teases me with a mischievous smile, "Iamcurrently out of a job." His tone is playful, but his eyes are filled with heat when I meet his gaze. "So, if you're hiring, maybe you'll consider having me in for an interview sometime?"

I respond with a soft voice, trying to keep my expression neutral so that Lisa and Sheila don't overhear our flirting.

"I'm sure I could find a way to fit you into the schedule," I say, a hint of intrigue lacing my words. The air between us tingles with a mix of possibility and restraint.

He reaches out and plays with the ends of my hair. "Did I mention that the interview should probably be in private?"

A shiver runs through me, and my voice comes out in a whisper. "In private?"

Brett takes my hand and pulls me close to him, his breath coasting along my ear. "Yeah, baby. In private. I've got a lot of skills. And there are some things I want to show you."

He brushes his lips across mine, and for a second, I can't help but melt against him.

"I love you so much, Denise Lawson," he murmurs. "And I can't wait to take you home and show you how much I've missed you."

I beam up at him. "That sounds like a really good idea."

We'll make up not only for time lost but for the halfhearted love we made leading up to Tinsley Simon's wedding. Tonight, in my bedroom, all of it will be erased. We'll start again. A fresh start to love and life for both of us. For the first time, we're in this together. All the way.

Regardless of my efforts to keep my intentions hidden, it's like Sheila and Lisa can still read my mind. As we shut the door on the bakery and lock it up for the night, Lisa offers to spend the rest of the afternoon at Sheila's to give Brett and me some privacy in the bungalow.

Bash steps forward and gives his brother a huge pat on the back before they fold into an adorable hug. I turn to Sheila to find her next to me, with her arms outstretched for one final hug.

"Don't have too much fun," she whispers. "You've got work in the morning."

* * *

Brett pounceson me as the front door to the bungalow is shut behind us.

Ripping his shirt off, he tosses it aside and dives for me, his mouth going right for the dip in my shirt, planting kisses in the valley between my breasts. I lean my head back, my body already trembling at his touch.

The longing between Brett and me had grown to an almost unbearable intensity during our time apart. Every stolen glance, every incidental brush of our fingers was charged with an undercurrent of yearning. And now, in each other's arms once again, we felt a profound sense of completion, as though we were finally home.

His hands find the bottom of my shirt again, but there's no interruption this time. He slips it off me and throws it aside, not even caring where it lands. We could be anywhere now, with any number of things happening around us. The oceans could swell, the sky could fall, the house could collapse around us. Neither of us would notice.

In mere seconds, Brett yanks off my pants and my dripping panties, all in one go.

"Goddamn, Denise." He groans. His eyes are wild and hungry as he dips a finger into my wetness. "You're so wet for me, baby."

Reaching a hand forward, I cup the front of his pants and find him already hard and aching for me. I begin to massage him there, watching him close his eyes and his shoulders bulge as pleasure rushes through.
