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For good.

Time to move on. Time to return to my blissfully happy existence.

Determined to put Maverick’s face out of my mind, I shift my attention to the list of unread emails on my desktop. I’ve just rounded up on the second to last email when someone knocks on the Plexiglas of my office door. My heart sinks when Chris’s face appears before me.

Oh, God…

“Hey, Noelle, mind if I come in?”

With a dispirited sigh, I wave him in. He strolls inside and without an invitation, takes a seat across from me. “How’s it going?”

“Very well, Mr. Burnham.” I stare at him. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“Well, yes. I’ve been waiting for the files that we assigned to the marketing unit. You were supposed to get Mr. Thatcher’s approval, remember?”

Shit. I forgot about that.

Stilling my composure, I clear my throat. “Yes, I do remember. Unfortunately, I forgot to take it.” I draw back my chair and stand up. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

I hastily brush past him, eager to be away from him. I’m almost at the door when he says, “You shouldn’t be dating him.”

I stop in my tracks and whirl around, my eyes burning a hole at the back of his head. “Excuse me?”

Chris turns and faces me. His eyes harden. All the softness in him drops away as he crosses his arms over his chest. That’s the Chris I expected. Haughty, selfish, angry. “Whatever you got going on with Thatcher, you need to put a stop to it.”

My face flushes with acute embarrassment. Not that I already hadn’t thought about it, but who does he think he is? The guy has some nerve. Swallowing hard, I say curtly, “Thank you, Mr. Burnham, for your advice. Is there anything else?”

“I worry about you and what he’ll do to you, you know?” He smiles at me. “So, can I give you a word of advice?”

“I think I’m good, thanks.”

“No, seriously, take it from me. I’m a professional when it comes to this. Guys like him? Not worth the stress. All they’re interested in is taking what they want and leaving you high and dry. You think someone like him will settle for someone like you? I mean, you are beautiful and all, but you are out of his league. You know that, right? He has his pick of women and I heard him talk about a few of his conquests. It’s all about the thrill of the hunt, and when they are caught in his net, he can’t wait to throw them out wet and wanting. I’d think you wouldn’t fall for the pretty words of someone like that. You’re better than that, Noelle.”

I know he is right and I’m out of Maverick’s league, but I also know what we are doing and what this is about, so I say nothing. Silence is the only way to treat people like Chris Burnham. He continues, “Unlike him, I care about you, Noelle. And I don’t want to see you get hurt, so maybe you should choose your companions better. I’d provide forallyour needs. It would be my pleasure to make sure you were satisfied.”

My face pales. There’s no way he just said that.

“Are you—I’m sorry, are you soliciting me?”

“What?” Surprise is etched on his face. “No, no. That’s not it. You’re getting it all mixed up.”

Of course. Classic time to play the dumbo and feign ignorance.

“I don’t think HR would approve of something like this, do you?”

His eyes widen for a moment. “What? What did I do? I’m just providing some friendly advice. Being a good friend. Offering my help with whatever you might desire.”

I’m fuming, so I close my eyes and count to three. Ten. Fifty. When I open them, they’re blazing with fury. “Get out.”

He holds up his arms. “Wait, Noelle, I was only —“

“Get. Out!”

His eyes are still trained on mine as he exits the cubicle. My hands are trembling as I watch him leave. Licking my dry lips, I reach inside my drawer for a water bottle. My heart is racing wildly as I drink it all.

The symptoms are vaguely familiar. I’m on the verge of having a mild panic attack. Shaking, I pick up my bag and make a run to the restroom. Locking myself in a stall, I lean back against the wall and slide down to the tiled floor.

Breathe, Noelle, just breathe.
