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“You may have fooled everyone with your perfect little act of adoration for Maverick but not me. No, Miss Quinn, not me.”

Damn, not this again. Didn’t this lady have anything better to do than to be bitchy?

“We’re done.” I clutch my purse as I make an attempt to sidestep her. “Please, excuse me.”

Roughly, she grabs my arm, halting me in my tracks. Glaring at me, she says, “I’mnot done.”

I waste no time in pushing her away. My skin is crawling at the mere touch of her hands on my body. “Touch me again and I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.” And I don’t even have to touch her for it. Just press charges and let the law do its thing.

Her eyes blaze with fury. “What’s your deal with him? Huh? What’s the deal with Maverick? Is it the sex? He fucks you so good, is that it? Or, let me guess, he promised you a yacht and a house in Bali? Well, newsflash, honey, it’s all an illusion. You’re pitiful and disgusting.”

I step away from her. How much lower can this woman go? This is what it has come down to? Physically assaulting me over a man?

“Maybe, but at least I’m not crazy like you, psycho.”

“Bitch,” she says, fiercely stabbing my chest with a fake fingernail. She’s shaking visibly, her entire body caught up in the tremors. “You think you know what you’re doing but you don’t. Maverick’s mine and I’ll make sure I free him from your greedy little paws.”

I’m so done with this. This conversation, this party, this situation. This life. I’m done,

“Be my guest,” I say as I storm out of the bathroom and back to the party. My throat is dry and in need of a drink.

I spot him across the room, looking around anxiously, while checking his phone from time to time.

Sara’s right. I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know what I’m doing at all. This whole thing was a mistake. A truly terrible mistake.

I hate that my body reacts every time he is around, but I hate it even more that my heart does too.

This is a fake relationship. It isn’t supposed to involve feelings, but my body, my heart, my soul aren’t listening to my mind. And they are winning the battle.

I need to face the fact that I am developing feelings for him and that is a hard no for me.

I haven’t been with Maverick for too long but I know the kind of man he is. He has a biting intellect and a driving nature that sweeps everyone along with him like a tidal wave. And it hurts.

I know I have to let him go and he’ll find someone else soon enough. Maybe even Sara, if she gets her way. And he’ll do to her all the things he did to me and more.

The thought of Maverick having sex with another woman causes red hot jealousy to flare up inside of me, but I tamp it down. I have no claim to him, and it’s time to put on my big girl panties and concentrate on my job.

I’m done having to deal with Sara and her snide remarks, And I’m even more done dealing with her abuse. This needs to end now.

I can’t deal with this shit at work while I have my life at home in shambles.

I know I’ll break sooner or later. I know I’ll drop the ball soon enough if I don’t do this, so I have to let him go. And the best way to do it, is for me to make the move. I have to leave him. I have to go. Now.

Clutching my purse tightly, I weave my way through the bodies until I reach the exit door. I don’t look back. I can’t. I’m afraid if I see him again my resolve will falter and I can’t afford that. My phone buzzes but when I look at it, it’s him, so I ignore it.

I can’t be here. I need to leave. I can’t breathe.

My phone doesn’t stop vibrating. My heart is breaking into a thousand pieces. It’s not something that’s supposed to happen.

I know I have to tell him this is over, but not tonight.

Tomorrow. I’ll do it tomorrow. And this time, it’s for good.

And as the decision solidifies, my heart shatters in my chest and the first tears start to run down my face.

Inhaling deeply, I run outside.

Chapter Fourteen
