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There’s momentary silence, broken by the sound of a belt buckle unclasping. Then a zipper running.

Behind the door, Noelle lets out a whimper and then she gasps. “No, no, no, please. I’m begging you.”

I see red.

Pulling back, I kick the door and send it flying open. Chris turns his face to me just in time for my fist to connect with his face. He goes down in a heap and clutches the side of his face, groaning.

Reaching down, I grab him by the lapels of his jacket, hauling him off the floor. Putting his face to mine, I growl, “You bastard. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Whimpering, he says, “I’m sorry. It’s all her fault, she asked for it. I want to file a complaint for sexual harassment in HR.”

Noelle gasps. My eyes stay on him.

“Save it, you sick fuck.” I spit out and roughly push him away, causing him to fall on the ground again. Rushing to Noelle who’s holding a packet of sugar to her chest, eyes wide with fear, I gather her in my arms. Tears are falling down her face and her body is trembling. She immediately starts sobbing against my shoulders. “He tried to touch me. He tried to touch me. I told him to let me go but he didn’t listen. He was going to… he was going to…”

“It’s okay, honey, you’re safe now. I’m here. You’re safe,” I whisper into her hair.


“He tried to do what?” Joe’s face is contorted in rage.

“Exactly. She goes into the pantry to get sugar and he jumps her out from behind and locks himself inside with her. I was there and I heard everything.”

And it was disgusting.

“Did she press charges yet?”

“No. She was too shaken up, but she intends to.”

“Good. Everything she needs, I’m ready to support. Where the hell is that bastard, anyways?”

“Fired. He’s been taken downtown to the police department. Even if she didn’t press charges, I would.”


He leaves my office and I take the elevator downstairs to the conference room. Noelle is inside, seated, hugging herself.

A policewoman is taking her statement and she’s answering with nods and shakes of her head. They look up as I enter. The officer looks at Noelle and says, “I’ll be back to check in tomorrow. Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Quinn.”

She gives me a nod as she steps outside.

I go to Noelle. “Hey, are you doing okay?”

“Yes,” she whispers.

She looks so helpless and scared, it breaks my heart. Sitting across from her, I take her hand in mine. “He’s gone. He’s never coming back.”

She looks at me, tears pooling around her eyes, and shudders. “I was so scared. I wanted to scream so badly but I couldn’t.” She shakes her head. “I was always able to brush him off or put him off before, but when he locked that door…” She visibly shudders. “It was like I lost my entire composure in that pantry room.”

“I’m just glad that I got to you in time, and I’m just glad that you’re okay. He’s never going to hurt you again, Noelle. I promise you that.”

Wordlessly, she nods.

“Are you ready to press charges?”

“Yes,” she says without hesitation, her eyes burning. “I want to make sure he pays.”

That’s the spirit.
