Page 46 of Smoke Show

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I tried to keep the disappointment out of my expression. Of course, she had a job that demanded a lot of hours. I was no stranger to late nights and weekend work during the school year. Still, I'd hoped we could spend more time together without drama club chaperones.

Eve cleared her throat. "But, if I recall, you still owe me a forfeit from our sled race. How about dinner and karaoke tonight at Sing-Along?"

"But I want you to like me," I lamented, laying it on thick.

"Too late," Eve said. "And you can't fool me. I know you're not that bad."

"Notthatbad?" Would teasing her, even at my own expense, always be one of my favorite things? Somehow, I thought so. It was so easy to tweak her tail, and fun to watch her react. "Let the record show that last time I did karaoke with the guys, we killed it."

Eve wavered a hand in the air in a so-so gesture.

I gasped, pretending offense. "Wedid."

Eve smiled, just the tiniest twitch of her lips, but I still considered it a victory. "You're gonna have to prove it when you don't have Ivan and Zander drowning you out with their caterwauling. I've never met men so tone-deaf."

"Challenge accepted," I murmured, turning toward the fridge. "Now, how do you like your eggs?"

After a leisurely breakfast, Eve kissed me goodbye, and I promised to pick her up at six.

With nothing better to do, I made the short drive to the covered parking at the storage unit out of town where I stored my boat. Though really, calling it a boat was too bland a word. It was lightning on the lake. My hydroplane, thePrincipal's Office, was a close as you could come to flying. It used the water for lift instead of flotation, foiling over the water at speeds difficult to reach on land. I'd lovingly rebuilt it, purchasing parts online over multiple summers. Since completing thePrincipal’s Office, I'd traveled to rallies and races across the state and beyond. Keeping my hobby from my parents had been the hard part, especially when I'd been building the boat in my garage. My mom would only worry if she knew, and I didn't want any more of her concern on my conscience.

I entered my security code and drove to the bay wherePrincipal's Officewas stored, quickly checking that the tarps protecting it from the elements remained secure. I wished the weather were more conducive to taking Eve out on the lake, but temperatures in the thirties meant fierce windburn at speeds over a hundred miles per hour, which might be thrilling, but not exactly romantic. And Eve deserved romance. Our night together had only convinced me that I’d gotten lucky when she stalked into my life, demanding access to the high school like it was my civic duty. She’d handed me the perfect excuse to get to know her, and I couldn’t be happier that I’d turned it into something more.

Eve was by turns playful, challenging, and sweet. She soaked up my affection, returning it in spades. Something about the easy way we touched, played, made me feel less alone. I’d been keeping people at a distance without really realizing it. I could admit it to myself, even if I wasn’t ready to admit it to anyone else.

Eve had pushed through my defenses with her quick wit and gamine grin. She was tough enough to handle all of me without flinching, and I treasured her for it.

Anticipation licked through me at the thought of taking her out tonight. It was only a shame that she’d insisted on something that involved an audience. I really ached to perform for her in private. Serenading her naked could qualify as karaoke, right?

Eve glanced up from her sketchbook as I pushed through the door to Fierce Ink, and my throat caught at the mix of mischief and desire in her expression. She'd dressed casually for our night out, and I couldn't help but approve. Black jeans hugged every curve, and a sweater with a deep V revealed one corner of the delicate swirl design that spread from chest to collarbone. Eve was literally a work of art.

"Hey, Handsome. You ready for tonight?" Eve asked with an easy grin. "Your vocal cords all warmed up?"

That smile made me want to tug her upstairs and see if I could warm up other body parts. Her lips. Her tongue. I fantasized about stripping her and trailing my mouth along the magical crease of her thigh, which I'd found out last night made Eve moan and shake.

I thrust my hands in my pockets to avoid reaching for her. I'd promised a night out, and I wouldn't bail on my commitment. Even if singing in front of McDonald High parents might irredeemably damage my dignity. Once you've seen a man belt out old school Taylor Swift, it was hard to take him seriously. But for Eve, I'd make an exception.

"Ready. Do you have a coat?"

She winked. "I thought I could use yours."

"Then how will I stay warm?" I teased, challenging her.

She tapped her chin. "I'm sure I can think ofsomething."

Frankly, my body temperature wouldn't be an issue. My jacket was currently going above and beyond the call of duty, the long tails camouflaging my erection. I could do with a cooling off but seeing her in my jacket was likely to have the opposite effect.

"Then again, it looks delicious on you. Let me grab my own."

I basked in her praise while she pulled a voluminous black puffer jacket from the coatrack by her front counter. I held it while she shrugged it on.

Sing-along was a short drive from Eve’s, and I relaxed when I saw the parking lot wasn't that full. Maybe the whole town wouldn't be on-hand to witness my inevitable embarrassment.

Heads turned as we entered the bar, and I greeted a few people I recognized as we made our way to a small booth with a view of the karaoke stage.

"Hey, Brady. Eve. What can I get you?" Ned, one of the proprietors of Sing-along asked, tablet in hand.

Slowly, I extended an arm along the back of our booth after we ordered, giving Eve time to scooch away. Coming to Sing-along was a public declaration of sorts. There was no reason to deny myself the pleasure of touching her. Still, I approached her like I would a wounded animal. Pizza after play practice wasn't quite the same as a bonafide date night in town. She smiled up at me, the sweetness there reassuring me as she slid closer, sinking under my arm. Something in me settled at her acceptance. My brave Eve, both private and proud. Surprise battled satisfaction, with happiness the easy winner. I inhaled deeply, enjoying having her snugged up against me.
