Page 53 of Smoke Show

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I drove to the yard, secretly enjoying Eve’s widening eyes as we pulled up in front of my boat.

“This is yours?”

“Yep. I love the water. I’ve owned thePrincipal’s Officefor a few years.”

I parked, and we slipped from the car. I pulled the tarps off thePrincipal’s Office.

“It’s a … boat.”

Eve sounded uncertain, and I couldn’t blame her. Hydros looked like the love child of a racecar, a plane, and a boat. Built for a special breed of speed demon.

“It’s a hydroplane. I rebuilt it myself. I travel and race most summers.”

“Who are you, and what have you done with my Brady Gleason?”

I loved that I could still surprise her. Maybe she hadn’t pegged me so perfectly after all.

She ran a hand across the hull, admiration clear in her expression.

“You really built this?”

I shrugged, striving for casual. “Mostly.”

Eve grinned at me. “So, when can you take me out on the water?”

“When it’s not forty degrees outside.”

“But you’ll give me a ride?”

“Tiger, you can have all the rides you can handle.”

She snorted, picking up on my innuendo.

“All I ask, is that you don’t tell my folks. They don’t know about thePrincipal’s Office. It would only stress them out.”

“Wait. What? You’re telling me a big secret on the same day we’re going to be stuck in close proximity to your family for hours? Bold move, Gleason.”

“I trust you.”

Something in me settled at the words, as I realized they were true. Eve was more than worthy of my secrets. Worthy of my trust.

Eve wreathed her arms around my neck, snuggling closer. The small tilt to her lips captivating me. Making me want to sneak a taste.

She pushed up on her toes, and I met her half-way in a kiss that rocked me with its sweetness.

My throat was tight when we parted, and I cleared my throat. “Come on,” I tugged her gently toward my car. “The grand inquisition awaits.”

She groaned good-naturedly and slid into her seat.

Eve kept sneaking side glances at me as I drove to my folks, and I linked our fingers. “What?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I can’t figure you out, Brady.”

I shrugged. “I’m really not that complicated.”“Maybe not,” she allowed, “but the thought of you racing is hard to reconcile with your image at school.”

“Eve, I’ll let you in on a little secret. In a town as small as Campfire, you’ve got to keep a small piece of yourself separate for your sanity.”

“But you shared it with me?” she murmured.
