Page 81 of Smoke Show

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He threaded our fingers together, tugging me toward the front door.

“What’s your hurry?” I teased, picking up on his eagerness to leave.

“If I’m alone with you any longer, we’ll for sure arrive on Eve Standard Time,” he admitted sheepishly.

I arched a brown. “And?”

“While there’s nothing wrong with that, the family poker game is calling my name.”

“Why’s that?” I asked.

He winked. “Suddenly, I’m feeling very lucky. Like the luckiest man in the world, in fact.” He answered my silent question. “Because I’ve got you.”

I let him lead me to the car, letting his words warm me from the inside, until I was sure I blazed from the inside with my happiness. I’d arrived in Campfire a wounded mess, determined to do better for myself and rebuild my life. I’d done better than I ever could have imagined – love, home, and a family. For such a tiny town, I’d managed to find my whole world in Campfire.



"WhydidIagreeto this again?" I grumbled, not wanting Eve to touch me and find out how clammy my skin was.

I hated this weakness in myself, but I was determined to push through. For Joe.

Eve laid a soothing hand along my bicep. "We don't have to do it if you don't want. Just say the word, and I'll put my ink away."

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I'm committed."

Eve frowned. "Really, Brady, there's no pressure."

"I know, but Iwantto."

"The way you're pacing instead of settling down in my chair indicates a man that very muchdoesn'twant to. Maybe this was a bad idea. We can wait for another time."

"But you already did yours," I argued. "I can't let you be the only one with a tattoo commemorating Joe."

Eve stroked my chest, brown eyes drawing me into her web, making me want to agree to anything she asked. "Sure, I can."

I shook off her spell, renewing my determination.

"Nope. I'm doing it," I said, fully aware that I sounded like a stubborn toddler. Still, saying it aloud helped me psych myself up. I slid into Eve's tattoo chair, sliding my shirt off.

Eve stroked my chest, her faint smile making my eyes narrow.

"What's that look for?" I asked.

"I've finally got you where I've always wanted you," she crooned, smile widening to a grin.

"Where's that?"

"At my mercy. Just kidding, you know I'll take good care of you, Brady."

"Of course, you will." I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. "Okay, I'm ready."

Eve turned on her tattoo pen, and the blood drained from my face, leaving me feeling shaky and weak. I swallowed, trying to imagine that the gentle buzzing was something more innocuous than a needle that would soon be puncturing my skin.

Eve cut the pen off. "Brady.Brady."

Slowly, her words penetrated, and I focused on her concerned face.
