Page 5 of Ace of Spades

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"Is this guy bothering you?" Dinah asked, putting a hand on her hip as she took in Mr. Rabbit's pristine white suit and expensive-looking watch.

“Not at all,” I slurred, waving a careless hand in his direction. "He's got some crazy story about me being late for some epic battle against the Red Queen in an alternate universe called Wonderland."

"Really?" Dinah replied, her voice carefully neutral. But there was something off about the way she was suddenly fidgeting with her purse, avoiding eye contact with Rabbit. I squinted at her, suspicion creeping through my drunken haze.

The second Mr. Rabbit caught Dinah’s gaze, he tensed up and pushed away from the bar, nearly knocking over the stool as he sprinted towards the door. Dinah let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, do you know him or something?"

"Me?" Dinah laughed, perhaps a little too loudly. "No, of course not. I've never seen him before in my life."

"Good," I said, nodding once. "Because if you were keeping secrets from me—”

"Never," Dinah interjected, her voice fierce but her eyes still evasive. “Forget about that freak. It’s getting late. How long do you want to stay out?”

Just then, I noticed the golden pocket watch was still sitting on the bar top. I grabbed it before anyone else had a chance to steal it and take it to a pawn shop.

"Hey, Rabbit!" I yelled through the crowd, waving his pocket watch in the air. "You forgot this!"

All I saw was a flicker of white darting through the door to the club.

My pulse quickened, the thrill of the chase igniting something primal within me, and I charged after him with renewed resolve.

Dinah grabbed the pocket watch and tried pulling it out of my hands.

“What are you doing?” I asked, not letting go. "I need to give this back to him! It looks expensive. Maybe it’s a family heirloom.”

“Then he shouldn’t have left it laying around," Dinah argued, trying to wrestle the watch from my grip.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you?" I snapped, anger flaring beneath my inebriated state. “I’m giving it back, and you're not going to stop me!”

With that, I wrenched my body away from Dinah’s greedy hands and stumbled out of the nightclub and onto the rain-slicked streets of Los Angeles. I was, determined to return the pocket watch to its rightful owner.

I didn’t realize how drunk I was until I was out on the sidewalk. Rain pelted down mercilessly on me as I stood outside the club, my once pristine blue cocktail dress now sticking to me like a second skin. The cold droplets mingled with my anger and frustration, fueling my determination to return the pocket watch to Rabbit. I couldn't explain why it felt so important, but something deep within me told me that it was vital he get this thing back.

I clutched the watch tightly, its cold metal biting into my palm. I scanned the streets for any sign of Rabbit, feeling a mixture of anxiety and excitement bubble up within me. And then I saw it—a flash of white, barely perceptible amidst the neon-lit chaos.

With newfound purpose, I stumbled forward, following the fleeting figure through a labyrinth of dark alleyways and unfamiliar streets. My heels clicked against the wet pavement, echoing through the night like a metronome counting down the moments of my life.

“This is insane," I muttered to myself, feeling the absurdity of my actions. "Chasing a guy I don't even know, all because of a damned pocket watch."

The twisted shadows seemed to dance around me as the city's darkness closed in, threatening to swallow me whole. But I pushed onward, driven by a burning curiosity that refused to be extinguished. I could feel the weight of the watch growing heavier with each step, as if it were a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode.

And then I saw it: an old mansion looming before me, hidden away behind a veil of overgrown foliage and crumbling walls. It was a relic of a bygone era, standing defiantly amidst the modern skyscrapers that had long since encroached upon its forgotten domain.

“Seriously?” I sighed, my voice dripping with both disbelief and exhaustion. “How have I lived here my whole life and never noticed this place before?”

My gaze followed the figure in white as he slipped through a side door, leaving it open just enough for me to see the warm light spilling out onto the rain-soaked ground. The temptation was undeniable; I could either stay out in the rain, or follow Rabbit into the unknown warmth of the mysterious mansion.

"What the hell?” I whispered to myself, taking one last glance at my soaked dress. "I've already come this far."

With a mixture of trepidation and resolve, I approached the door, my hand reaching out to push it open. As I stepped over the threshold and into the unknown, I couldn't help but wonder if I had made a terrible mistake. Visions of ax murderers danced in my head, but somehow that didn’t squash my curiosity.

The door creaked open, its hinges groaning like the wails of a thousand lost souls. The darkness beyond seemed to pulsate with a sinister energy that threatened to consume me, yet I found myself unable to resist the siren call of the unknown.

"Fuck it," I muttered, my breath fogging in the chilly air. I took a tentative step forward, crossing the threshold into the abyss. But as soon as my foot touched the ground, the floor seemed to vanish beneath me, and I was plunged into an endless freefall.

My screams of terror echoed down the dark abyss as I plummeted into an inky void. My golden hair whipped around me like a shattered halo, and my blue cocktail dress was shredded to ribbons with every jagged edge that I encountered. I clawed desperately at the cold, slimy walls, feeling the fabric of my designer heels rip from my feet before they were swallowed by the darkness.
