Page 7 of Ace of Spades

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The colorfully tattooed man took a long drag off his cigarette and fixed his sullen eyes on me with disdain.

“Everyone in Wonderland knows who you are, Alice,” he drawled as sweet-smelling smoke curled around him. "Not that it matters now. You don't stand a chance in this godforsaken place."

I bristled at his cold dismissal, but my anger was quickly replaced by intrigue as Chess came forward. A seductive grin played across his devilishly handsome face, and his green eyes sparkled like emeralds, beguiling and dangerous.

Though he appeared human, there was something feline about his movements, something predatory. An ache of longing tore through me as his gaze lingered on my body, and I forgot all about Remy.

“I believe you'll do just fine navigating Wonderland...with a little help, of course,” he purred, his voice sending shivers down my spine. “This realm is unlike anything you've encountered before. But fear not. I shall be your guide through its dark depths.”

“Oh, we all knowexactlywhat dark depths you’re going to help Alice navigate,” Callister shot at him.

Chess laughed softly, ignoring the jab. He was so close that I could feel the warmth radiating off of his body.

Somewhere in my dark depths, I began to stir.

“Don’t mind Callister. He’s a shifter, so he’s extra grouchy since he’s about to go through his metamorphosis.”

I frowned in confusion.

“What do you mean by metamorphosis?”

“He’s like a phoenix,” Chess replied with a nod. “You know, that mystical bird of fire who is reborn again and again from the ashes...except the bird is a butterfly and the ashes are a caterpillar...and there’s no fire...and he never dies. So,” he paused, giving me a wide grin, “he’s not like a phoenix at all, apart from having wings. Callister always gets tetchy around this point of his metamorphosis, right before he sheds his skin.”

“Why don’t you tell her all the rest of my dark secrets, you worthless Cheshire Cat demon?” Callister growled through his teeth. Chess either didn’t notice or didn’t care.

“’re a demon?” I asked him in disbelief. Chess turned to me, still grinning wide, and yet still so seductive.

Then, in a breath of air, he faded into nothingness. Right before my eyes, he completely evaporated.

Then he reappeared, leaving me speechless.

For about five seconds.

I was still pretty drunk, but this shit had me convinced I was starring in my own lucid dream. I decided to lean in and play along since it seemed like I’d be here for a while. I crossed my scratched-up arms over my chest.

“Theseare your associates?" I asked Winston, my brows furrowing in blatant skepticism. “A bitchy caterpillar and a demon cat fuckboy ?”

“Oooh, I’ve never been calledthatbefore, but Ilikeit,” Chess replied, his hypnotic green eyes barely leaving mine.

"Leave her be, Chess,” Winston warned, tapping his foot impatiently as he glanced at his pocket watch. His nose was making a nervous twitch. "There's no time for your demonic games of cat and mouse. We need to make Alice understand the importance of her presence here. There’s no time to waste. No time at all.”

"Fine, fine,” Chess admitted as he backed away from me with a hint of reluctance. "But let it be known that my offer still stands. I will happily be your guide if you’ll have me. If youwantme.”

Another ache twinged deep inside my body. I’d been planning on revenge sex with all of Remy’s friends, but why bother when I could fuck a demon instead?

Could demons even fuck?

With every seductive syllable that Chess uttered, I was really starting to think it was possible. If this was going to bethatkind of lucid dream, I wasn’t going to say no to someone who looked like him.

“I’m glad that you’re finally here, Alice,” Winston said, slipping the gold watch into the pocket of his white pants. “We've been expecting you for years, but the cards were stacked against us. The fates have been conspiring for ages to bring you here, to our twisted Wonderland."

“You honestly think this is fate?” I asked, fighting the urge to laugh at the absurdity of it all. "This is insane. I don't belong here.”

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, my sweet,” Chess whispered, his voice like velvet. “We’ve always had an Alice as our champion...our Ace of Spades in this grand game...but never one”

“So fucking old,” Callister snapped as he lit a fresh cigarette.

"The fuck?" I sputtered. "I'm only twenty-six!”
