Page 60 of King of Clubs

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I found myself in the storage room, the thick metal door bolted shut from the inside. A savage snarl tore from my throat at the nightmare scene that greeted me.

Alice was strapped face-down to the merry-go-round, her limbs splayed and tied, her clothes ripped to shreds. A handful of my bunnies surrounded her, jeering as one of them thrust into her mouth while another pounded into her from behind.

Grunts and the slap of flesh on flesh echoed off stone walls. The bunny between them waited his turn, his cock in hand. The blue-haired female capered around the men, giggling and egging them on as the second woman cowered in the corner, horror etched into her delicate features.

Rage exploded through me, dark and violent, searing away all reason.

I channeled all of it into my arms as my wings unfurled behind me. The bunny rutting into Alice was too lost in his pleasure to notice the danger. I seized him by the ears on his mask and wrenched him back, his cock slipping free with a vulgar pop.

The other bunnies shrieked, scrambling away from Alice. I grabbed the male by the throat and lifted him into the air.

"You dare defile what belongs to me?" I squeezed, bone crunching under my demonic grip.

Dangling like a broken doll, he gurgled at the end of my arm, eyes bulging, clawing at my hand. His cock had gone limp, the cowardly bastard. I wanted to rip it from his body and stuff it down his throat.

I knew when to be patient.

But I also knew when to show no mercy.

Time to put this diseased bunny down for good.

I threw him across the room, where he hit the wall with a wet crack. A red smear of blood followed him as he slid to the floor in a crumpled heap. His neck was twisted at an unnatural angle, and his once handsome face was now misshapen from the force of his skull being smashed in. Brain matter squished from his eye sockets and through the holes in his mask.

Still raging, I glared at the other bunny who’d been waiting his turn to abuse Alice. Agony wracked his body as I began to systematically break each bone, my power keeping him alive and conscious so he could fully experience the pain. By the time I reached his legs he was little more than a mangled, sobbing wreck.

I growled in satisfaction as bone and sinew gave way beneath the force of my strength. I flung his corpse aside, letting him fall in a heap beside his dead companion.

Then I turned to the male who’d been raping Alice’s mouth.

He’d been my favorite.

Not anymore.

"Forgive me, my king.” He stumbled, tripping over his own feet before he dropped to his knees in front of me. But it was too late for apologies—the damage was done, and my instincts had taken over.

“Stand up and look at me.”

He did as he was told. I crouched before him, baring my teeth. I grabbed his balls and squeezed until he let out a pathetic, mewling sound.

“If you want to fuck like an animal, then you can die like one."

I lowered my head and gored him with my horns through his abdomen, spilling intestines onto the floor. His shrieks rose to a fever pitch as I pinned him against the floor and tore off his limp cock. I shoved it into his throat, then dove back into his flesh, rending muscle from bone, using my fingers as claws.

His arms came away in a spray of bright red, and I kept punching at his ribcage with my fists, until chunks of his internal organs were splattered across the floor. When I finally felt he’d had enough, I stood up and looked down at his body.

It wasn’t even a body.

It was a bloodstain ruining my closet floor.

I turned to the two women cowering in the corner just as the Tweedles unlocked the door and stepped into the room. They saw the pile of mutilated bodies, then shared a look, then waited for their orders.

My chest still heaving, I lifted a finger at the two females groveling on their hands and knees.

“Bind them and gag them, then put them in solitary confinement for now. I have yet to decide how to punish them.”

“Very good, sir.”

Silence fell as the Tweedles escorted the bunnies away. The emptiness was broken only by Alice's quiet sobs. I hurried to her side, magic slicing through her bonds with ease. A soothing rumble sounded in my chest as I scooped her into my arms. She curled into me, shaking and clutching at my bare chest.
