Page 141 of Desire

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“Zachary helped Lana today, and closed the door while Isaac was distracted by the weight of his responsibilities. It was in no way Isaac’s fault, they just took advantage of an opportunity. Feel free to punish the traitor however you’d like without getting caught, Sweetness,” I tell her with an evil grin.

“Consider it done,” she murmurs, looking down at Silla. “I can whip something up and ensure it ends up in his food, or his water bottle when he goes to work out. Is she going to be okay?”

“She thought it was her fault, and I swear she was trying to burn her skin off in the shower,” I growl, pushing Silla’s hair out of her face. “Silla kept scrubbing, telling me that she couldn’t get clean enough. That’s what pisses me off the most. Silla thought her body betrayed her because it reacted to Lana’s touches. I told her biology isn’t consent.”

“Fuck,” Andrya rasps. “She’s so innocent in so many ways. I hate that she’s here, and yet…”

“It’s going to hurt when she’s gone,” I finish. Our time together is transitional, and it hurts to say it out loud. One day she’s going to walk out of here into the Queen’s service, and I’ll never see her again.

I end up not sleeping once Andrya leaves, and just watch the beautiful girl in my arms nap.


I’m fuming, and it takes everything in me not to punch Lana in the face when she simpers a “hello” to me in the hallway. I know she has a crush on me, but there’s no way I’d ever let her touch me in a million years.

Instead I murmur a hello, and keep walking. Going by my room, I throw on a sports bra and tiny workout shorts. I dislike working out, but I’ll pretend to so I can spike Zachary‘s water bottle. Once dressed, I run to my office.

We keep a bunch of plant clippings in here for different reasons, but I’m a vindictive bitch. I’ve already dropped homemade laxative pills into several instructors’ drinks because they crossed me in one way or another this year. However, the last couple of times have been because of Silla. Francis Kirkland made the mistake of staring at her ass too long, when she was walking in front of him.

Instead of laxatives, I sprinkled a long-active constipating agent into his food at breakfast. Patricia told me he was in so much pain, he begged her for something. Few people outside of the nurse know what I’m capable of. It’s one of the reasons she’s so nice to me.

Smirking, I take the time to make laxatives that will easily dissolve in water without any taste. Putting it in a Ziploc, I hum under my breath as I shove it in my pocket and start walking toward the gym. My phone won’t fit in the stupid thing, but at least this will. I’m hoping he’ll be distracted enough that I’ll be able to drop it in.

“Andrya?” says a voice and I huff out a breath. I have things to do and people to poison. Don’t people know I’m busy?

Turning, I soften a bit because Isaac and the Warden are standing outside of his office.

“Yes. I have things to do though, so make it quick?” I ask.

“I’m afraid to ask,” Grayson mutters, pulling me inside of his office. Following, Isaac closes the door, shutting us away from the world.

“I won’t ask if Silla is okay, but something tells me that you’ve seen her. You look like you’re on a mission,” Issac murmurs.

“Silla isn’t alright, but she’s snuggled against Sidney and napping. She lost her shit with him in the shower, and it was pretty bad from the sound of it.” I sigh. “Lana used Silla’s body’s natural responses against her.”

“I was standing there when Lana made her choke on her fingers,” Isaac growls, my eyes widen in surprise and disgust. “The helplessness I felt was unreal. I couldn’t overly react because it would have fueled her passion to ruin us all, but I wanted to tear her head off of her shoulders.”

“Silla needs to know we don’t see her any differently,” I tell them. “If you see her and can tell her in some way, she’d appreciate it. You should know… Sidney and I told her about Myla today.”

The Warden and Isaac know what happened because it’s in our records. It’s not something we can hide. They look surprised we told her, though.

“I don’t want to hide things from her, and neither does Sidney. We’re both falling for her, which means showing her who we are. The three of us are difficult to love on our best days, and on our worst, we simply don’t deserve it,” I say truthfully.

“I think you let things go too far at times,” the Warden says, rubbing his neck with a sigh. “Silla has experienced the worst of that, and she’s forgiven you.”

“I don’t know how or why, but she has. I’m so damn worried I’ll fuck up again,” I whisper.

“I think we’ll all fuck it up,” Isaac steps in. “We’ll work it out though. Silla has a really big heart. We just need to get Lana out of here as soon as possible. She’s too interested in Silla. Any update on when she’s leaving?”

“Lana came to see me, and I swear she smelled like jasmine. Isaac explained to me what happened shortly after she left, but knowing why she smells like Silla makes me angry. To get her out sooner, we need to try to dance to her tune,” Grayson rasps. “She wants to see a practical form of the assets’ skills.”

“We’ve shown her potions and plant skills, sparring as well,” I rattle off before rolling my eyes. “She wants to see the assets fuck.”

“Pretty much,” the Warden mutters.

“I’ll plan something that’ll make her happy,” I tell him, my mind already whirling. The girls all give really fantastic blowjobs, lap dances have been covered, but there are times where their marks will be women. Other than Silla, I don’t think any of them will pass. I’ll add on an incentive with remote controlled vibrators. If they do well, they get to cum. If not, the person holding the remote will edge the fuck out of them.

“You thought of something, didn’t you?” Isaac chuckles and I nod.
