Page 144 of Desire

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My lips twitch in amusement, so I rub them so they’ll chill the fuck out.

“Go see the nurse to see if she can help,” I suggest, knowing she’ll tell him she can’t. He’s going to need to ride out his punishment.

“Yes, Sir… Oh, Gods,” he groans, bending over as he lets out the most horrific smelling fart.

Wrinkling my nose, I cough, shaking my head. “Out! Go to bathroom, fuck. Don’t shit your pants or I’ll make you wash them. I don’t pay the laundry department enough to deal with this,” I roar, effectively kicking him out.

It’s my own fault for wanting to fuck with him. Who was I to know his ass was still locked and loaded?

Isaac takes this moment to walk in, his face twisting as he gets a whiff of Zachary’s present to me.

“Is there something wrong with your stomach?” Isaac asks, his eyes watering.

Shaking my head, I stand, deciding to let the office air out. “Let’s get out of here. Zachary’s still plagued with stomach problems it seems,” I growl.

Snorting, Isaac walks out with me. “‘Drya is effective, you have to give her that,” he murmurs.

“Yes she is. Fuck, I need something else to focus on. That was fucking awful,” I cough.

“Let’s head out to the greenhouse,” he chuckles. The roses are at the very back, and Lana hasn’t asked to come out here. As far as she’s concerned, FRC only has a few areas she’s interested in.

That’s fine by me, because I’m not sure the Queen would approve of it. Since The Criminal’s Redemption rose isn’t taxed, she isn’t receiving her cut of the profits. While she likes to cut budgets capriciously, Queen Cinder throws a fit when she thinks she’s owed something she isn’t getting.

Now in the fresh air, I take a breath of the leafy greenery now that we’re in the greenhouse. Looking around, I see we’re alone.

“I always forget how nice it is out here since I’m always inside,” I sigh. “I can always tell when Silla’s been in the greenhouse because she looks happier.”

“She was made to be outside, which is funny for a city girl,” Isaac chuckles. Walking through the area, I see the newly planted vegetables are doing well, and Sidney and the other assets have gone above and beyond to ensure our food stores are full.

“I feel like shit that I haven’t gotten to spend much time with Silla since Lana’sbeen here,” I complain. “Her very presence is changing Silla the longer she’s here.”

“Did you know she’s never been on a date?” Isaac asks, looking outside. “It’s difficult giving Silla the normal things a woman her age should want, but this we could swing once Lana is gone. Is that a dumb idea?”

Shaking my head, I cross my arms. “Her birthday is next week, and it would be fun for her to mark off that milestone before she becomes a legal adult,” I smile. “Talk to the others to see what they think before we decide what to do. Fuck, I never thought I’d be in a relationship with the Trio.”

Smirking, Isaac glances at me. “Those three regularly pull my ass out of the fire. We’re all so busy, Silla deserves all of the love possible. If this is how it happens, I’m alright with it. In less than three months, she’ll graduate…”

“Godsdamnit, I was trying not to think about that,” I grumble. Queen Cinder’s constant pushing means Section B will graduate in a five month period instead of six. “Fuck, it’s moving so fast.”

“So we may as well give Silla as many good memories of us to take with her,” Isaac reminds me. “The likelihood we’ll see her again once she’s out of here is slim to none.”

“Alright, let’s go see what those three are up to then,” I grunt, hating my life right now. I’ve always known this would happen, but fuck if it doesn’t make it hurt any less.


Lana smirks at me as I open the heavy steel door to let her out of the facility. There’s an armored black car, no doubt sent by the Queen.

“I wish I could say it’s been a pleasure, but this past week has been hell. The revolving door of little whores in and out of my room has been a nice change of pace, not that I would ever tell my Queen this,” she murmurs. “The only thing that would make this all better is if I had been able to experience a twin sandwich.”

My sister and I don’t share lovers like that. Struggling to keep my face impassive, I incline my head in apology. The words may never cross my lips, but I can fake it. “Perhaps we can do better next time,” I tell her, swallowing down the bile threatening to overcome me.

Nodding, Lana walks out of the prison camp. “Don’t get too comfortable, my boy. I may be back before you know it!”

As I shut the door behind her once she’s in the car, I allow my head to drop back and scream.

“Feel better?” Isaac grins, stepping out of the shadows. It’s about three in the afternoon, and she was supposed to leave this morning.

“Not hardly,” I mutter. “Only one thing is going to do that, and we have to get the room ready.”
