Page 145 of Desire

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“Want help?” he asks, staying with me as I walk.

“Yeah. Lana took forever, so we had to cancel class because she made me her own personal errand boy. Fuck, I’m so glad she’s finally gone,” I rumble.

Isaac and the Warden came to Andrya, Sidney, and I with a plan to give Silla an epic first date. There’s an empty room towards the back of the facility that no one uses. The maintenance tunnels run right past it, which will allow us to bring in mattresses, candles, and blankets for tonight.

I know the thought of that sounds less than romantic, but we are also going to play a game she never has before. Spin the bottle.

I learned a lot of things during my long, constantly interrupted, game of twenty questions. I’m implementing a few of those things into tonight. I know she’s missed us all, so this’ll allow us all to reconnect.

We both walk nonchalantly, as if we have nothing to hide. Zachary is finally feeling better after my sister dropped a shit bomb in his water bottle while he was working out. He turns pale as he sees me, and I wonder what the little dickweed is up to now.

Ignoring him, I head off to set up a night our girl is sure to never forget.


Andrya opened the door to my room an hour ago. She told me to shower, shave everything, and get ready for a date night. When I looked at her as if she was insane, she rolled her eyes and showed me the bag in her hand.

“There’s a dress in here, makeup, and everything you need to do your hair. Don’t walk out of this room until I come back, okay?” Andrya asks with a wink before she’s gone.

“Okay,” I whispered to an empty room.

Now, it’s a little past the time she said, and I’m in a beautiful blue, gauzy, knee length dress. My hair is curled, my makeup is done in light, tasteful colors, and I’m actually in heels too.

I never realized how close in size Andrya and I are. My breasts are a little larger, but the dress was able to accommodate well. Fuck, I’m afraid to get wrinkled if I sit down.

Just as my anxiety starts to get the best of me, Andrya opens the door. “I’m sorry,” she gasps as she comes in holding her own pair of heels. “I didn’t mean to keep you waiting, I took too long to get ready. I wanted to look pretty for you.”

Lips parting, my mouth goes dry, because she’s more than just ‘pretty’. Andrya is fucking radiant. Her hair is pulled back into a complicated braid that shows off her face. Unlike me, she did her makeup in dark, smoky colors, with ruby red lips.

“Woah,” I whisper, taking in the rest of her in her lilac-colored dress. Every step makes it swirl around her ankles, and it looks painted onto her curves.

Dropping her shoes on the floor, she gives me a smile meant only for me. “That’s exactly how I feel when I look at you. I love how curly your hair is,” Andrya murmurs, winding one of her fingers through it as she wraps her other arm around my waist to pull me closer.

“Hi,” I breathe, overwhelmed by her presence in the best of ways. The faint scent of lilac and lemons flows over me, and I smile at her.

“We need to get going because we’re late, but fuck it,” she murmurs. “There’s been too much cunt blocking going on.”

Brushing her lips across mine, I lean into her, ignoring her reference to Lana. I’m so glad the bitch is gone. I swear she was stalking me all of yesterday, trying to corner me. Thank fuck it didn’t work.

“I’ve missed you.” I sigh, loving the feel of her hand as she strokes my waist.

“Me too, Baby Girl. I can’t wait to see what the guys have planned. Let me put my shoes on, and we’ll go. We’ll need to take a secret way. Don’t tell anyone, yeah?” Andrya giggles, and I love how carefree she looks.

Sitting on my bed, she puts on her heels, I focus on something she said.

“Wait, I don’t know what’s going on. Are you saying you don’t know either?” I’m a little slow, unable to stop staring at Andrya. I have butterflies in my stomach, and I press on it as if it’ll keep them from flying around.

“Nope,” she says, popping the ‘p’ as she finishes strapping her shoes on. “I wanted to be surprised too.”

Winking at me, I giggle as she grabs my hand. Peeking outside of the room, she pulls me behind her.

It’s after nine at night, so most of the inmates are all in bed. Looking furtively from side to side, she walks us to a door that looks like a janitor closet.

A cold feeling rushes over me, and I try to tug my hand out of hers. “Andrya,” I whisper, fear in my voice.

Turning, she shakes her head. “It opens into a wide hallway for the maintenance people to get around. Have you ever noticed that you don’t typically see them? I swear, Silla. Tonight is going to be fun,” Andrya says, squeezing my hand. “Plus, I would rather tear out my own heart than scare you like that again, okay? You’re safe with me, Baby.”

Taking a deep breath, I decide to be brave. “I trust you,” I murmur and she nods, opening the door. Pulling me after her, I take a few hesitant steps before I realize it’s all open and well lit.
