Page 80 of Desire

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Not trusting her body language, I sidle up to them, and hear the man flirting with her. My lip lifts in a silent snarl as I listen.

“Have you seen the courtyard yet?” he asks the girl with a wide smile.

She gives him a considering look, and something tells me she’s about to lie. “I have, and I’m not interested, thank you. I need to get to class,” the girl murmurs.

Intrigued, I follow her around the corner, pushing her into a utility closet as soon as no one is watching.

“Let me go!” she screams, unable to see me because I’m behind her.

“It’s just me,” I grunt after she elbows and kicks me. “I know you don’t like small spaces, so I’ll be quick. Who are you going into the courtyard with and why? Is it Isaac?”

“What?” the girl whirls around to face me, her back hitting the wall. Her raven-colored ringlets bounce, and I curl my fingers, so I won’t reach out to touch them.

“The courtyard is where people go to hook up, and you lied to that guy. Who are you going with?” I growl. “Or are you truly the whore we call you?”

I’m met with a slap across the face before I can process it.

“Sidney, who I do or don’t do things with is none of your concern. If you must know, Zach took me to the courtyard my first day here, because I was clawing at the walls. I needed to see the sun and breathe unfiltered air. He made me promise not to go out there alone, and I’ve kept that promise, even if he couldn’t keep his,” she says primly.

My heart pinches as I think about how I’m forcing her to be in a small space again. The girl looks fearless, but there’s a light sheen of sweat on her forehead. It also pains me that this girl obviously craves the sunlight, and most of the facility doesn’t have any windows.

“What if I could take you outside?” I ask, my mind whirling. I don’t know why I’m offering to do this, and it may not be the same. But it’s something. “There’s a greenhouse connected to FRC, and I can open the sky lights so you can get fresh air. It’s only for employees, and it won’t be exactly the same… would you want to come with me?”

I’m rambling, but I can’t make myself stop. The girl looks at me in surprise, her gaze meeting mine. These sea green eyes aren’t hiding a damn thing, and it makes me want to give her something she wants. Show her I’m more than the monster that she thinks that I am.

“What’s my name?” she asks, her spine straightening as she goes toe-to-toe with me. “I’ll go with you if you can say it.”

Staring at her, I could tell her I’m in charge here, not her. I could explain I’m doing her the favor, but that’s not completely true.

I need to do this, so I force out the name I’ve been avoiding. “Silla,” I say, gritting my teeth. “Do you want to go or not?”

“I would love for my name not to sound like you’re constipated. Pity, we can’t all have what we want,” Silla drawls, a smile teasing her lips. I growl in annoyance, because the idea that she’s thinking about my body like that is unconscionable. “Yes!” she exclaims hurriedly. “I want to go… please.”

As sweet as begging sounds on her lips, that’s not what I want. “Is there anywhere you need to be?” I ask, grabbing her hand as I drag her out of the closet. “I don’t want an alarm to sound because you’ve disappeared.”

“Umm…” Silla allows me to drag her for a second as she thinks. “We should mention it to the Warden and Isaac. They’ve both been a little sensitive lately when I go missing.”

“When else have you gone missing, other than the obvious one?” I ask, ignoring the looks we’re getting as I head toward the Warden’s office.

I hope he’s there, because he’s often checking on eight million things. The man seems to have endless energy.

“I was talking to Ayden and didn’t pay attention to the time. I was supposed to meet Isaac for a coding lesson. Poor man about lost his mind tracking me down,” Silla explains.

She definitely means something to Isaac. I don’t know about the Warden yet, because I haven’t seen them together. That’s about to change though, and hopefully I’ll be able to get a read on them.

Except, I’m not doing it to use it against them the way I usually would, I want to check out the competition. There’s something about this girl that’s got me all tied up in knots.

I’m pretty fucked up. There’s a reason I lead the Fucked Up Trio. We pull each other from the psychotic brink often, except for some reason we let things go too far with this girl.

Whether I am pursuing this girl so I can find ways to ask for forgiveness, or because I’m interested is yet to be determined. I’m not used to having so many unanswered questions, and it pisses me off.

Rubbing my hand over my goatee, I blow out a breath.

“Are you okay?” the girl—Silla asks. I need to make sure I use her name.

“Not yet, but this is going to help,” I mutter. I’m still leading her by the hand, and she’s letting me.

Seeing the Warden step out of his office, I cup my mouth, barking out his name. Silla startles slightly, and I find myself squeezing her hand as I cross the hallway to him. Thankfully, he stops, turning to locate the person calling him.
