Page 130 of Milo

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“Trish Adams.”


“That’s cool with you?”


“Another assistant? Female?”

“Is that too much for you to handle?”

“No. I told you, Nay, I’m good on all that shit.”

“Then it’s cool with me. I trust you, Milo. I trust that you’ve learned a few lessons.”

“After all these fucking years, you damn right.”

Chuckling, she followed me through the common space of the office, past a seething Christina, and into my office.

* * *

With Mason bundledin the blanket and snug in my arms, I descended the stairs of the plane right behind Nature. Flying private made our travel much more pleasurable and tolerable for Mason. He slept the entire hour and a half flight, allowing Nature and I to spend the hour catching up on business before putting our phones on do not disturb and tunning out completely. Our distraction-free getaway was dedicated to centering ourselves and expanding upon our foundation.

The Range Rover waited for us on the tarmac. As requested, there was a brand new car seat in the center of the backseat. I strapped Mason inside and covered his body with the blanket he was once wrapped in before joining Nature in the front as our bags were loaded into the very back.

Her hand joined mine as I settled in. My brows relaxed on my forehead as I admired her long, thin finger and the ring I’d put on it. As much as I wanted to chastise myself for taking so long to ice her out, I fought to remain in the moment. She made it easy, expelling a lengthy breath as she slightly reclined her seat and yawned.

Her delicacy was my kryptonite. It left me fiending for an ounce of power after being stripped ever so gently. Though soft as a feather, she held so much weight and possessed every part of me when in my presence or on my dome.

Lifting her hand, I kissed her ring finger, impatiently waiting for the day that I slid a more permanent solution onto it and replaced the rock she was wearing. One hand gripping the wheel and the other preoccupied, I whipped the truck off the lot and headed toward our destination, excited for the weekend ahead of us.

The forty-five minute drive whooped Mason and his mother’s ass. They were both sound asleep when I pulled up to the cabin, let myself inside, and unloaded our bags. Before waking Nature, I got Mason situated in the portable crib that was also a special request of mine by the owners of the cabin.

When I made it back to the truck, I scooped her into my arms, brought her inside, and laid her on the couch underneath a thick, knitted blanket. I stripped down to my briefs, removed the pillows from the sofa and climbed up, pulling Nay into my arms as I got comfortable. And just like that, the first order of business was underway.



I wokewith renewed strength and energy. The enthusiasm in my bones convinced me of a full breakfast spread, which I pranced through the house with on my way to wake my sleeping bear. The home that we now shared was massive, much bigger than the one I’d spent the last decade in. The open-floor concept on the first level worked wonders for my anxiety and mental health.

“Ohhhh, Milooooo,” I sang, tiptoeing barefoot into the bedroom.

He stirred awake, rubbing his eyes as he pushed himself up in bed. The skin of his back slid up the headboard, where he distributed his weight. From the yawn that nearly split his face in two, reminded me that we’d had another late night and an early morning probably wasn’t the best idea.

“Nay,” he tittered. “It’s your day, baby. Why are you serving me breakfast in bed?”

“Because, over the last month, you’ve made every day my day, so I want to celebrate you on this day, too. Besides, I’m sure this is nothing in comparison to what you have in store for me today.”

“You have a point there.” He nodded, accepting the large tray.

I set it on his lap before kissing his crusty lips and running around to my side of the bed.

Adjusting to life with Milo felt so natural, almost as if it was a requirement for my next stage of life. The way everything aligned for us after being misaligned for so long was mind-blowing. Somehow, everything just fell into place without us trying to piece any parts of our puzzle together.

And since he’d promised, he hadn’t stopped applying pressure, keeping me guessing, happy, and on my toes. Our days were blissful, even the ones that I wanted to lock myself in a room and scream for hours. By the time Milo came home to save the day, I was beyond vexed, but quickly soothed by his presence. It was as if he always had a solution, always able to change things around, always able to shift odds in my favor.

My naked bottom rested against the sheets of our new bed, one that was designed to our personal specifications. I loved every feature of it, down to the television that rose from the footboard if we wanted our entertainment closer than the distance between us and the television mounted on the wall. Milo had put a lot of thought into the design and seeing it come to life was incredible.
