Page 92 of Milo

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“Bet. Be ready by ten. Take a nap because we’re out until the sun’s up. Celebrating my partner’s birthday.”




The wind brushed my cheeks as they hiked in the air, watching as he made his way to his car and I made my way to mine. In the comfort of my space, I sighed in relief, knowing I’d made the right decision. I didn’t need the GPS to guide me out of the lot and toward my destination. My son’s heart led me from one light to the other, around every corner, down each street, and right up to his father’s door where I stood, dialing Milo’s number.

“Nay?” he answered, sleep on the tip of his tongue. I felt utterly awful for waking him from his sleep, but I was in desperate need of my son’s touch. His skin against mine was the only way that I could sleep tonight.

“Open up.”

“Open up?”

“Yes. I’m outside.”

“Nay. You should be home, baby, enjoying your night.”

“I know, but I can’t sleep without him, Milo. Open the door.”

As the final word left my mouth, I heard the locks turn. Behind the door, Milo appeared shirtless, bottom half covered in thin, linen pants that did little to conceal the print of his–

“Nature,” he called out to me. “Come in.”

It wasn’t until then that I realized I was standing still, staring. I stepped inside, removing my shoes and setting them next to the door. Down the hallway, I traveled, feeling Milo’s gaze burn holes in my back. Though half asleep, he was inquisitive. I could hear the questions as they circled around his head, begging to be freed.

I found Mason in his nursery with white noises playing as blue waves crashed against the ceiling from the night light that Milo had installed. I was a bit jealous of the serenity the room presented, leaving me wondering if the nursery I’d designed for him at my home compared. Mason was swaddled in the center of his bed, sound asleep. Still, I pulled his body close to the railing and scooped him right into my arms.

I marveled at his dark skin and perfect nose. He was Milo’s twin. Malachi’s twin. Makai’s twin. Mercer’s twin. He was undoubtedly a Domino. I leaned forward to kiss his cheek, but the hand around the back of my neck interfered with my display of affection.

“Milo, what are you doing?”

“Don’t put ya fucking lips on him, Nature. Not until you brush your teeth.”

“Seriously?” I slurred, realizing just how intoxicated I was. Through my entire drive, soberness carried me. Now, the drinks I’d enjoyed were beginning to add up.

Instead of responding, Milo took Mason from my hands.

“Go gargle or something. And yes, I’m serious. Unless you want me to drive your drunk ass home, then, let’s go. Head straight to the bathroom.”

“You’re being so dramatic right now, Milo.” Chuckling, I sucked my teeth, trying to figure out what his issue was.

I still managed to get out of the nursery and down the hall in the room I’d grown to love. Secretly, I’d claimed it as my own. I rounded the corner and entered the bathroom, knowing Milo was right on my heels. The counter lights glowed, illuminating the space enough for me to leave the main light untouched. I grabbed the small paper cup from the dispenser and held it beneath the tiny faucet that released the minty blue liquid often used after a good brushing.

I tossed it back, swirling it around my mouth until I couldn’t stand the burning. My entire mouth was on fire. I followed up by gargling water and cleaning my lips with a damp cloth. My full bladder urged me to empty it.

And after I managed, I removed my dress completely, stripping down to the half bra and thong that I wore beneath. My breast pads were full. I dumped them both in the trash and grabbed new ones from my purse, ready to release the milk that would carry traces of alcohol that I wasn’t willing to give Mason.

I walked into the bedroom, fully expecting for it to be empty. But to my surprise, Milo was pulling the covers back as Mason rested in the bassinet beside the bed. Sighing, I pushed forward, deciding against protesting because it would be useless.

“He’s not sleeping next to you. He’ll want to nurse and your breasts aren’t in the condition for him to do so. Instead of agitating him and making our night miserable, leave him in the bassinet.”

Milo laid down the law the second he caught wind of my presence. A response wasn’t necessary. He was right. Instead of a rebuttal, I used the little energy I had to drag my body to bed and underneath the cover where Milo met me. He pulled my body into his, hand wrapped around my insecurity, caring nothing about the small pouch that was taking it’s time retracting after stretching for Mason’s accommodation.

The stiffness of his body made it impossible to melt against his chest. The sound of his widened nostrils inhaling my hair before lowering his head to smell my neck, then shoulder, and my chest left me dumbfounded. And when he flung his body from the sheets, my confusion steepened.

“Where you been, Nay?” He breathed heavily, rounding the bed where I’d scooted and sat up, trying to figure out what was happening.
