Page 41 of Resisting Allie

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Brett looked around. “Where’s Deb?” he asked Slade.

“She spotted the Schmidts and went to sit with them.” Slade nodded toward the couple who were regular members at their parties.

“Go join her, and I’ll help Reed.” He saw Allie sitting with Ina and her husband, plus a few others he didn’t know by name but had seen in the diner or around Eagle’s Nest. Satisfied she wasn’t in a hurry to take off, he turned his attention to his other responsibility – his family obligations.

“I’m okay here if you want to spend what’s left of the festivities with Allie. After all you’ve been through, you deserve a second chance with someone new,” Reed told Brett.

Loading the next firework for release, he wondered at the note of resignation in Reed’s tone, one he’d heard before when his brother spoke of relationships. “I haven’t decided where I’m going with Allie yet, but regardless, I can still help out around here. Is John still causing grief?”

Reed hated the way his partner put him in the middle of their divorce. John’s refusal to admit his constant cheating had finally cost him the one woman he really wanted was causing a rift between his brother and partner of the last six years.

“He’s a stubborn son of a bitch, but Lily isn’t giving in again this time. She’s finally had enough. Took her damn long enough,” Reed muttered. “Let’s forget about them and end tonight with a bang. I’m pleased with how everything went. How about you?”

Brett released their biggest display of the night, agreeing with Reed as it exploded in the sky to the applause of their friends and neighbors. “Enough I wouldn’t mind making it an annual event for the community. I need to put more names with familiar faces between now and next year though.”

Reed nodded. “Yeah, me, too. I figure we can avoid following in Dad’s footsteps without staying so isolated. Come on. Let’s get this stuff stored so you can get back to your girl.”

Brett was beginning to like how that sounded – his girl. So much so that, when he came out of the storage shed and saw Allie saying goodbye to friends then heading toward her car, he hurried to stop her from leaving. The second he caught her look toward the highway with unmistakable hesitation, he realized she was remembering the last time she’d driven that road at night and the terror of that targeted assault.

Reaching her as she opened her door, he placed his hand on the top, his gaze going from following hers toward the main road as cars started leaving to the wary look she turned on him. He said the only thing that popped up. “Stay.”

He wasn’t expecting the flash of ire or her acute intuition when she snapped, “Why, because you’re worried about me driving home?”

Cupping her nape, he brought her head up until they were mouth to mouth. “Stay,” he repeated then kissed her, not caring who was left to see his possessive hold.

Brett took his time, kissing her long and deep, leaving her no doubt about what he wanted before lifting his head and hearing Allie’s perfect response.

“You make it too hard to say no. I’ll stay.”


Allie was pulled froma deep sleep by slow degrees as she became aware of soft breath against her labia and large fingers pressing inside her pussy. She thought Brett’s wide shoulders were responsible for keeping her legs spread apart, but when she attempted to bend her knees, she discovered her ankles were bound to the bedposts. But that was nothing compared to the strap stretched across her lower waist, keeping her hips immobile when she tried to arch against his marauding mouth.

Straining against the bonds, she whimpered in heated frustration, her hands going to his thick, black head, all she could see of him with his face buried between her legs. Gripping his hair, she anchored herself against the escalating pleasure sweeping up her core as he wrapped his lips around her engorged clit and suckled. His low, deep groan vibrated inside her, turning the warm rush into a heated burst of clenching pleasure. Her nails dug into his scalp as she rode through the contractions around his stabbing tongue and nibbling teeth, the sweeping ecstasy something she’d come to crave the more he drove her to those exalted heights. This climax rolled through her in slow waves, a pleasant flow encompassing her senses.

Brett reached under her to grip her buttocks, squeezing her flesh in tune to the tugs on her clit then stroking the tender bundle of nerves. She shook coming down from the final pulsations, her body going lax as he lifted his face. His eyes traveled over her quivering stomach and heaving breasts to rest on her flushed face with a warm glow in the green depths. That soft look of pleasure when he gazed at her was something else she continued to crave, even more than the ecstasy his touch could ignite.

“I usually like to sleep in on Sundays but don’t mind waking early this way,” she panted as he slid up her body, his thick erection jutting forward making her mouth water to reciprocate.

“Neither do I.” He settled his glistening lips over her mouth, and she tasted herself on his tongue with his slow, deep kiss.

Allie shuddered, returning his kiss with voracious hunger, reaching under him to grip his cock. When he let her up for air, she squeezed his rigid flesh, whispering, “My turn,” then yanked on his cock until he gave her what she wanted.

She frowned when he pushed her hand off him and took hold of the base of his erection, but she should have remembered his penchant for control. “I’ll make sure you don’t hurt yourself,” he said, rubbing the damp seepage coating his crown on her lips. “Open.”

With willing enthusiasm, Allie wrapped her lips around his cock and ran her tongue over the bulging veins pumping his blood, pausing only to scrape her teeth along his silk-covered hardness. Stroking his sac drew a guttural groan from above her, his big body tightening as she sucked hard on his length. But Brett didn’t give her long to play, instead pulling out of her mouth, cutting off her enjoyment to sheath his cock and thrust between her spread thighs. The straps holding her in place left her no choice but to lie there and take his pounding strokes, loving his intense drive and the reawakening of her response.

“Yes!”She gripped his shoulders, watching him strain above her, his gaze boring into hers while they climaxed together. Allie had never been in perfect sync with another man, not like this, and by the time her senses cleared of the pleasurable fog and he released her bondage, she was forced to admit her feelings were more intense than the sex.

“Do you have time for breakfast?” Brett asked as they dressed, his attention more on her than putting on his jeans.

Allie checked the time and shook her head. It was already after ten, and she had to be at her parents’ by noon. “Not really. My parents returned from a trip a few days ago, and we’re getting together for brunch today. I still have to make biscuits.”

“We have that in common. We do family dinner every Sunday at our mom’s.” Taking her hand, he walked her out front.

Squinting against the bright sun, she slid behind the wheel, still unsure about his feelings for her. He leaned in and kissed her then kept her guessing when he shut the door, saying nothing except, “I’ll call you this week. Drive carefully.”

Allie drove home sure she wanted a committed relationship for the first time yet still wondering how far Brett wanted to take whatever this was they now had going.
