Page 28 of Cato

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The fuck?

How had another club moved to the area without us knowing?

“What town?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

“A couple over. Coral Springs.”

“Oh, yeah. Of course. Thanks. Alright, well, I’ll put in a good word with the president,” I told him, clinking my beer to him, then making my way away, trying not to seem rushed or upset by anything, knowing Velle was good at picking up on that sort of shit.

“Inside,” I hissed at Seeley and Huck as I got close.

“What’s going on?”

“First, my vote is for Velle. With the gauges,” I said. “Second, he just informed me that there’s another one-percent MC over in Coral Springs. When the fuck did that happen?”

I could tell by the way Huck looked to Seeley that he had no idea either.

The problem was, even Seeley looked surprised. And Seeley knew fucking… everyone.

“I’ll look into it,” Seeley assured Huck. “Maybe pay a visit to Arty to check things out.”

To that, Huck nodded, but I had the feeling we would be hearing a lot about this moving forward.

“So why Velle?” he asked.

“Grew up in an MC. Regular kind. But he knows about how they work. Just got off of parole from grand theft auto, though he was technically innocent on that. Might want to have Arty check into that story too, though,” I told Seeley who was already shooting off a text.

“The thing was, when I walked up, he had Ceerie confessing all sorts of personal shit about her childhood. But when I interrupted, she almost seemed… shocked that she’d admitted it. He said he spent time in a cell with a shrink and… picked up some tricks.”

“Mind-fuck kind of tricks,” Huck assumed.

“It seems like it. Just figure… that’s an interesting tool to have at our disposal. If his story checks out. And you guys get the same feel,” I said, shrugging.

“We’ll check him out. Thanks, Cato,” Huck said, clapping a hand on my shoulder.

Then, feeling like I’d done my job for the night, I went up to bed and tried uselessly not to think of my random woman. And the way her pussy clenched my cock when she was turned on, when I talked dirty to her, when she came, crying out. And how much I wanted to hear her crying out myname.

She was still on my damn mind several days later, when we were having another party, but this time a sort of… welcoming party for the new prospects.




Though some of the other guys had another two names in mind that we just wanted to look into more.

I was doing my best to try to actually be at the party, enjoying myself.

Then a hand was touching me.

And, like a fucking fantasy come to life, there she was…


