Page 3 of Riding Hot

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Kane and Diesel run Rugged Mountain MC, and while I’ve known them as adversaries, their reputation in town is that of good, honest men. They’re the type I want to be around.

“Understood.” I drag in a deep breath and let it out quickly. “I’m going to be shit for leaving here, but my Prez tells me I’ll be good if I transfer to Rugged Mountain. He doesn’t trust I’ll keep my mouth shut without the silence treaty we have with your guys.”

Tex groans. “I’m doing what I can, but you’re going to have to convince them that you’re not here for some girl… and I think you are.”

“I’m also tired, man. I want to be part of something good. That last shipment was the end for me.”

“Yeah, but have you thought this through?”

“What do you mean?” My tone is intentionally gruff. Everything is a front on the feelings I have for Piper and I’m fucking sick of it. “Of course. You don’t think I know what a big deal this is?”

“I do.” He sighs. “But really… have you thought it through?”

I stare up at the water-stained ceilings of my apartment, trying to hold my aggression at bay. “If you’re talking about Piper, I know what I’m doing.”

“Do you?” Tex clears his throat. “Piper is young, and her dad servicesallour bikes. He’s the only guy in town that does it. He’s also the nicest. If you don’t settle things with him, you’d be causing trouble for all of us.” Tex holds his breath as he talks. “Not only that, but what if it doesn’t work out with you two?” He exhales heavily. “Rugged Mountain is small. You’d be tortured by her every day.”

I laugh. “I’m tortured by her now. You don’t think I’m living in fucking hell? Every second I wish things were different, but she’s where I’m supposed to be, Tex. Someday we’ll be together. Every day until then is a day I spend trying.”

Now he’s laughing. “You’ve got it bad, man. There are a lot of beautiful women.Nice,beautiful women. If you move on now, you’ll have forgotten about her by Christmas.”

The fact that he thinks I can replace one‘beautiful woman’with another is proof enough that Tex will never understand where I’m coming from. “I don’t want to forget about her, man.” The floor above me creaks with the weight of my upstairs neighbor. “Let me know what you hear up at the MC. I’m happy to come down for a meeting, if that’s what Kane and Diesel need.”

I hear the nod of disapproval in his voice. “I’ll keep you up to date. Take it easy and at least think about what I said.”

I grunt out some response and hang up the line. The work Rugged Mountain MC does is completely different from what the Death Rangers do. Where we sell drugs, they do charity work and protect people.

Right now, they’re building a lodge for the area, and I’d love to be a part of it. I’ve spent too long breaking the law and hurting people at the word of our president. I need a change. For myself and for Piper. If her father can see that I’m a different man, I’m sure it will have some bearing on his thoughts. Until then, what we need is a few moments alone together to figure all this out.

I stare down at my phone and type a reply message.

‘I’ll be at Eagle Creek trailhead tomorrow morning at ten. Hope to see you there, darling.’

Before my brain has a chance to fight with me over what right I have to interrupt her life, I hit send and wait.

Chapter Three


Sunshine bounces off dew brightened leaves and bursts of color surround me. The sprinkler has been misting the greenery for the last twenty minutes as I sit in the center of Mom’s flower garden.

There’s already a bee humming over the roses and the sweet perfume of a mixed bouquet is in the air. I’ve loved coming out here for as long as I can remember. There’s something about the tranquility of nature that’s always brought me back to center.

Lord knows I could use some centering.

I draw in a deep breath, releasing it slowly as I take in another lungful of damp earth and freshly mown grass.

Get yourself together, Piper. He’s just a guy. Nothing more. You decided you were done. You decided to take control of your life. The fact that he’s coming to town, breaking all the territory rules of the MC, and asked you to meet, doesn’t mean you have to meet. You can be strong. You are strong.I repeat this mantra to myself half a dozen times, but still,my heart demands his.

It’s not a quiet demand either. The longing is loud, heavy, and desperate.

I hook my feet behind the legs of the stone bench I’m sitting on, willing myself to ignore the fact that the man I’ve been aching for is less than ten miles away. I don’t need him. He’s trouble. The right man will get along with my family and our love will be easy.

“You’re out here early.” My sister Alaina steps into the garden with two cups of coffee. She hands one over and sits in the Adirondack chair opposite me. “You’re dressed to the nines, too. Going somewhere?”

I sigh and gulp at the hot liquid, hoping it scorches away the craving bubbling beneath my skin. “No. I’m… No.”Wow.That wasn’t at all convincing.

She smiles and twists her hair to her shoulder. Alaina is two years younger than me, but she’s already figured out her life. She’s in college to be a chef and plans to move back and open her own spot. “Okay, well, you’re full of shit. What’s going on?”
