Page 6 of Riding Hot

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She moans and every sense of reasoning I had left leaves my body.

My cock is hard, pressing against the fabric of my jeans. I should control myself. But before the thought fully forms, it’s a memory, and I’m backing her up against the pine tree with a throaty growl like a wild animal.

She sighs and leans into me, unbuttoning my shirt before running her fingertips through the hair on my chest. She’s hungry, and I’m desperate to feed her.

Chapter Five


My hands are on his chest, tracing the lines of a tattoo that splays across his collarbone and down his shoulder. We’ve spent time together, but never like this. Never with our lips on one another. Never with my hands searching his body. Never with his exploring mine.

I follow the line of ink onto his bicep and pause at a scar that he’s covering with a fire-breathing dragon. It’s now that I realize that despite having talked for a year, there are still nuances to him yet to discover. A world of his physical body yet to explore.

“What’s this from?”

He kisses my neck as he talks, warming it with his breath. “I was helping on my grandpa’s farm. He had this bull that liked to charge. His horn caught me. I lost some blood and ended up with a skin graft. We ate him later that month, so karma finds a way.”

I trace the wounded flesh and follow the dragon’s tail down to Romeo’s big, rough hands.He’s perfection, scars and all. Hell, part of me wishes I had scars of my own. A visible display of the life I’ve lived.

Gave up time with a man I’m in love with for the sake of my family. Boom, beautiful scar, right on my chest. A visible tribute to honor the pain that’s hidden away.

I press a kiss to his arm, and then his chest before staring up at the giant in front of me. “Why do you make so much sense?”

Thunder rumbles in the distance as Romeo lifts me from the ground with little effort and carries me toward his truck. “Because you’re in love. I know… because I am too.”

Love.He’s using that word again…out loud.

Rain falls before we’re at the truck. He sets me down gently and opens the door, reaching his rough hand out toward mine to help me inside. I love the way I feel next to him. I feel so dainty and small, like he could pick me up, toss me over his shoulder, and spank my ass for mouthing off or forgetting to tell him I got home safe.

The thought has my clit throbbing.

He closes the door and makes his way around, cranking the heat in the truck before turning the radio on low. It’s some nineties country station that’s playing a George Strait song I only hear when I’m in the truck with my parents. It’s then that I remember how old he is.Forty-four.A forty-four-year-old man who moves drugs for the biggest dealers in the mountains.

My heart sinks and reality returns.

“Don’t do that.” He groans, pulling me closer toward him in the truck.

My gaze meets his. “Don’t do what?”

“Don’t go to the place you’re going.”

I smile. “Where’s that?”

He cups my chin and lowers his gaze playfully. “I see your eyes doing that distant thing you do when you’re thinking shit you shouldn’t be thinking.”

I twist my brows mischievously and bite back a smile. “Distant thing with my eyes? I think you’re crazy.”

He pushes back the seat and guides me on top of him. My legs spread wide and straddle his waist, the worries disappearing again.

His arm wraps around me and my knees dig into the seat as I tighten the gap between us. This is as close as we’ve been. The thin cotton of my panties presses against the hard ridge in his jeans. His chest is warm against mine as his hands wander over my back, cup my ass, and feather through my hair.He’s everywhere.

I lean into his lips. There’s less hesitance this time. His tongue is in my mouth and the ache I’d felt in the garden multiplies as I moan into his throat. I want him, all of him. I don’t care what it means for the future or what it says about me. I need him!

Thunder rumbles outside and rattles the windows as a heavy rain falls.

Romeo’s big, rough hands rub over my arms and down again, following the contours of my body as his eyes devour me. I’ve never been looked at like this in my life. It’s as though it’s the first time he’s seen me, and he can’t get enough. He’s looking straight through to parts of me no one has ever seen.

Dragging air into my lungs, I arch my neck back and grind my hips forward, but it’s not enough. I need to feel him against me.

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