Page 13 of Unaware

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He could see the foundation’s members, dressed in their white robes, their faces obscured by their hoods, but offering him a tantalizing glimpse inside when they turned his way. He could sense the excitement and fear emanating from the novices. Nobody knew if they would be accepted into the inner circle or even move up a level until the leader gave his verdict.

But once their course had been decided, it was so sweet, so good to know that he would then be in charge of their fate.

The thrill of the hunt pulsed through him, electrifying every nerve. He promised himself he would claim another soul for himself tonight, as he had done so before.

Soon, it would be time.


Cora headed through the basement room where she'd seen the meeting, walking cautiously, checking around her. She hoped that from here, she could find a way into the ballroom, but she knew the risks. If she was seen coming in this way by the wrong person, they might get suspicious. Her goal now was to get as far as the ballroom itself and then to blend in with the crowds.

She and Gabe were going separately. That way, if one of them was noticed, the other one might still stand a chance.

She trod cautiously over the stone-paved floor, trying to keep her footfalls quiet. She didn't hear any voices or any sounds from beyond. At the end of the room, there was another door, this one open. It led to a corridor. Ahead, she saw a staircase.

Checking around her carefully, she climbed the stairs, looking from side to side.

That must be the kitchen, down this way. She could smell the distinctive scent of pastries and barbecue wings, and char-grilled meat. As she watched, a waitress in a dark gray uniform emerged from the doorway, carrying a tray brimming with food. The smell of it made Cora's mouth water. She hadn't eaten since the airplane ride early this morning, but she was way too preoccupied to focus on food now. She stepped back as the waitress passed by without giving her a second glance. Keeping a few steps behind, Cora followed her to another door, all the way at the end of the corridor. It was slightly ajar, and she could hear music, voices, and laughter coming from inside.

She’d found the ballroom.

Stepping inside, Cora saw that the room was sumptuously decorated, with drapes of black and gold fabric on the ceiling and walls and tables set around the sides, covered in deep blue cloths. The tables contained wine, champagne, and beer. Cora battled to pick out a nonalcoholic choice among the ranks of bottles. People were refilling glasses, clustering around the food trays. There was a fun, excited buzz in the air.

This was the side of the foundation that would draw people in, for sure. Coming to this event as a single person, you would be impressed, Cora guessed. You'd feel welcome and at ease. It was a glamorous environment that was subtly intriguing. No alarm bells would ring. She could see why someone with a sense of adventure would be drawn in.

There was a dance floor in the center, and it was already packed with people who were dancing to the music - a weird, high-energy beat that Cora hadn't heard before. She found the sound strangely hypnotic.

The entire event felt surreal, she decided. And with the masks, there would be no easy way to identify if Heidi was there. She had the photo of her from the file saved on her phone, but with masks over everyone’s faces, that photo was no help at all.

Strolling into the room a few steps further, she looked around to see if she could spot any of the people she'd seen in the basement room. Where were the masked four? They were most probably in a senior position, and her best bet would be that they were circulating, looking for the right people to target. Perhaps they would be focusing on the people who were obviously there on their own, who seemed vulnerable, who looked like they would easily be drawn into the cult.

There was one of them, the woman in the peacock-colored mask. Cora watched her, but she wasn’t approaching anyone. Instead, she was climbing onto a small wooden stage, holding a microphone.

The music was turned all the way down to a background murmur. Applause erupted from the crowd.

"Welcome, guests!" she announced in French-accented English. "Welcome to the fundraising event for the Foundation for the Unity of Worlds, and thank you for attending. Part of the proceeds from tonight’s event will go toward a local orphanage, making life better for the children.”

As the applause swelled again, Cora wondered cynically what part would be donated to this good cause.

“We are also rehabilitating our own land, and surrounding land, to create an organic environment where healthy food can be grown. This is available to all in our town, cheaply, and in some cases, if you are struggling, we donate.”

More applause.

“Of course, the most important reason for tonight’s event is to have fun. We would like all of you to circulate, socialize, make new friends. If you are new to the area or traveling through, we would love to meet you and offer you a tour of our premises. Just take a yellow ribbon from the box in the corner, and we will find you if you are holding it."

Nice, Cora thought. Great way to identify new recruits. She glanced at the box, seeing that Gabe was now in the ballroom and already moving toward it. Hopefully, he could put on a yellow ribbon and act as bait to one of the recruiters. That way, he might find out more about how things worked and how they could get closer to the heart of this foundation.

The music was turned up again. The dancing resumed, and the woman climbed off the podium and headed into the throng.

Cora watched her, keeping track of where she was going, but she didn't home in on anyone with a yellow ribbon. Instead, she joined a bigger group of people, inclining her head graciously, even though Cora couldn't see her expression behind the mask.

She was wondering if she should go over and eavesdrop when she caught a glimpse of the tall man in the black mask moving through the crowd with purpose.

He headed to a dark-haired woman in an emerald green dress, greeting her in a way that seemed friendly. She was wearing a yellow ribbon, which she’d clipped into her hair. He drew her aside, speaking quietly, and they headed for a door leading out of the ballroom. She looked quite drunk and was laughing with him, glancing up at him as he courteously took her arm to steady her.

So this was how it was done, Cora thought. It would have been so easy for any woman on her own, hearing about these events, arriving to see what it was all about, being seduced by the glamour, and being drawn into the foundation if they fit the right profile.

She guessed that she would be single, free, and without any close family in the area. If those boxes were checked, then most likely there would be an appealing invitation to 'help out,' to stay on the premises for a while, or even an offer of some temporary work.
