Page 49 of Unaware

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Her flashlight was still up top, still blazing away on the upper level. And as she looked that way, in its gleam, she saw a shadow appear and disappear in the high-arched window.

So that was his escape route.

Not for long.

"I'm going after him," she whispered. Turning, she raced out of the church door, veering left, hugging the wall. She knew she needed all the speed she could summon now to get to him before he melted away, using an exit point that she guessed was familiar to him.

The cool night air hit her face as she sprinted around the side of the church, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

This time, as she ran, she reached under the work jacket and grabbed hold of her stolen gun.

There he was. Shimmying down the side of the building like an experienced climber, following a route that he clearly knew well. His feet found the footholds in the stone without even looking. He reminded Cora of a dark, long-legged spider as he clambered down.

She rushed forward. She might only get one shot, one chance to do this. Being too far away, on a dark night, with an unfamiliar gun, could wreck her chances.

Her feet skidded over the stones as she tried to make up the distance, but now he was close enough to ground level, and with a wild leap, he launched himself from the wall and landed on the stone walkway.

This was it. This was the only chance she would get because, in another moment, he would melt away, darting around the corner, and then, in his black outfit, he would melt away in the woods without hope of them finding him.

Especially given the fact that Gabe was still struggling for breath and wouldn't be able to join the chase.

The heartbeats pounded. One as she raised the gun. Two as she steadied her aim. And just as he turned, just as he was poised to flee, she fired.

The shot crashed out, the sound ricocheting off the stone wall.

The killer stumbled but didn't fall. He spun around, and in the moonlight, Cora could see the shock and pain in his eyes. The bullet had hit him in the shoulder, and blood was already soaking through his shirt.

She fired again, and this time, she hit him in the chest.

He went down, folding onto the stone, and she knew it was serious this time.

Pocketing her gun, Cora strode over to check. She'd been ready to give him another bullet, in the head this time, if there was any doubt. This murderous piece of trash deserved nothing less.

But there wasn't a need.

He was lying still in a spreading pool of blood. His eyes were open. They were blue. So much for green eyes. She'd been wrong about that theory, but her aim had been faultless this time. She'd gotten him in the heart, which was surprising, Cora thought.

She wouldn’t have guessed he'd had one.


An hour later, there were three of them standing there. Cora, Gabe, and Pierre, the foundation leader.

Pierre had arrived with an envelope of cash and had insisted Cora take it. He had pressed it into her hands, tearful with thanks. And then, he'd walked over to the body.

He had stood for a moment with his eyes closed as if acknowledging the passing of a life. Then, he stared down, surprised.

"Him?" he said. "Henri Bouchard?"

"He was one of those who didn't make it?" Cora asked.

"He never reached any of the levels at all. We tried hard to mentor him and guide him. His mentor was one of the kindest and most patient people in our whole foundation. She worked with him tirelessly and had such high hopes he would grow to be who he needed to be. It was a very sad day when she had to tell him to leave."

"Does she have green eyes?" Cora asked.

"Yes, she does," he said, sounding surprised.

"Then she'd have been on his list," Cora said bluntly. "I'm sure he was working up to killing her."
