Page 16 of Let Her Hide

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"Should we call for backup?" Fiona inquired.

"No," he decided finally. "Let's keep this between us for now. If things go south, we'll call it in."

"Alright," Fiona agreed. "Let's find this guy and get some answers."

A sudden shout pierced through the air, jolting Jake back to his senses. It came from behind the house at the center of the farm. He exchanged a quick glance with Fiona before breaking into a sprint.

As they rounded the house, the source of the shouting came into view: a balding man in his forties, wearing a beekeeper suit and handling a hive with practiced efficiency. This, Jake knew, must be Bert Collins—the prime suspect in their investigation. Despite the protective gear, there was no mistaking the anger etched on his face.

"Hey--who the hell let you back here? Get off my property!" Bert snarled, not even bothering to look up from the hive. "I've got nothing to say to you people."

"Mr. Collins, we're with the FBI," Jake interjected, flashing his badge. He tried to keep his voice steady, ignoring the buzzing that threatened to drown out his words. "We heard a shout, and we just want to ask you some questions."

"I just stubbed my toe; that's why I shouted. What questions?" Bert scoffed, finally turning to face them. "You're not really with the FBI, are you? I don't have time for tricks--can't you see I'm busy here?" Bert snapped, gesturing to the hive in his hands. "My bees need me, and I won't let you—or anyone else—interrupt my work."

"Your work can wait," Jake said, his patience wearing thin. "Now, either you cooperate with us, or we'll have to bring you in for questioning. Your choice."

Bert looked at them, his expression hardening behind his gear. The air seemed to go still--but only for a moment.

In one swift motion, Bert grabbed a nearby hive and hurled it toward Jake and Fiona, sending a cloud of furious bees into the air like smoke.

"Over there!" Fiona shouted.

Panic gripped Jake's chest like a vice as they sprinted after Bert through the cloud of enraged insects. The buzzing filled his ears, an all-too-familiar sound. They ran as fast as they could, dodging trees and weaving through the fields as Bert made his escape. Fiona was a few steps ahead of him, her red hair whipping around as she ran. Jake could feel the bees nipping at his skin, their stingers piercing his clothes. A fiery hot sensation pierced him, and he swatted at his arm.

He'd gotten stung.

The pain radiated through him, and he waved his hands to ward off the bees. He had to push through to catch his guy before he got away.

"Over there!" Jake shouted, pointing toward the edge of a small orchard where Bert had disappeared behind a row of gnarled apple trees.

They raced after him, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as the bees continued their relentless assault. Every sting sent a jolt of pain through Jake's body, but he refused to let his fear overcome him. He couldn't lose Bert now, not when they were so close.

As they reached the edge of the orchard, they saw Bert sprinting across an open field, headed for the safety of a nearby barn. The late-afternoon sun had long shadows over the landscape, giving the scene an eerie, otherworldly quality, but Jake pushed on.

"Come on," Fiona panted, her face red and streaked with sweat as she pushed herself to run faster. "We can't let him get away!"

"Right behind you," Jake answered, the adrenaline coursing through his veins, helping to momentarily dull the pain of the stings. They were closing in, but they couldn't afford to underestimate Bert Collins.

Bert vanished into the shadows of the apiary. Fiona burst inside, and Jake followed after. As Bert ran away from Jake and Fiona into the shadows of the apiary, they could hear the buzzing of the bees growing louder. The hives were arranged in a complex labyrinth, making Jake's stomach twist. He'd never been inside a place like this, and although the swarm had backed off outside, there were so many more buzzing around in here.

"Where did he go?" Fiona asked, her eyes scanning the area.

"I don't know," Jake admitted. "But we need to find him before he can escape."

They moved slowly through the haze of bees, the sound of their wings and the hum of the hives filling their ears. It was disorienting, like being lost in a dream.

"Over there," Fiona hissed suddenly, pointing to a shadowy corner of the apiary. "I think I see him."

Jake followed her gaze, his heart racing in anticipation. There, in the dim light, he could just make out a figure moving behind one of the larger hives.

"Collins, stop!" he shouted, advancing cautiously toward the figure. "You're not getting away this time!"

The figure whirled around, revealing Bert's sweat-streaked face, twisted in anger. In his hand, he held a canister of gasoline and a lighter.

"Get back!" he shouted, waving the canister in their direction. "I'll do it! I'll torch the whole damn place!"

Jake felt a wave of fear wash over him, but he pushed it down, focusing on the task at hand. He took a cautious step forward, his eyes locked on Bert's. "Put the canister down, Collins," he said firmly. "We don't want any trouble."
