Page 32 of Let Her Hide

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The fluorescent lights in the police precinct flickered overhead, casting a harsh glow on the paperwork strewn across Jake's desk. He glanced up at the clock, noting that it was already mid-morning; time seemed to be slipping away. Beside him, Fiona paced back and forth, her heels clicking against the linoleum floor. Both of them were growing increasingly agitated as their investigation hit one roadblock after another.

To make matters worse, that warrant still hadn't come in.

"Damn, clinic won't budge," Jake muttered, his knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists. "We know for a fact that both Craig and Gary went there at least once. What are they trying to hide?"

Fiona stopped pacing and leaned against Jake's desk, her eyes darkened with determination. "I don't know. I wonder if they really are just protecting their clients' privacy or if there's more to it than that."

Jake nodded in agreement. "Yeah, something about that clinic feels off. There were too many staff members running around, too much activity. And did you notice how stressed they all looked?"

Fiona crossed her arms, her brow furrowed as she considered his words. "You're right. It was almost as if they were all trying to hide something."

"Exactly," Jake said. "I think we need to take a closer look at that clinic, with or without the warrant."

Hunched over his laptop, he scrolled through pages of information, searching for anything that might provide a lead.

After a few minutes of digging, he came across an article touting the services of the Wellness Therapy Clinic. According to the website, it was a comprehensive center for holistic healing and therapy, catering to individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, and other mental health issues. Jake paused for a moment as he read through the list of therapists; one name caught his eye: Dr. Fitzgerald. He had allegedly specialized in abandonment issues— something that could be relevant to their investigation.

Excited by this potential lead, Jake clicked through to the clinic's website and started researching its staff members. He scrolled through the list of therapists until he found Dr. Fitzgerald's profile page; there was a short biography outlining her experience and qualifications in mental health therapies as well as some reviews from past clients. According to these reviews, he seemed to be highly regarded among his peers and had helped numerous individuals overcome their abandonment issues.

"Hey, Red, look at this." Jake gestured towards his screen, where an article about the therapist was displayed. "Dr. Fitzgerald specializes in abandonment issues. I'm not certain, but he might've been the one treating Craig and Gary."

Fiona leaned in to read the article, her eyes scanning the words quickly. "Abandonment issues... both Craig and Gary had abandoned their children. I'm sure they both grappled with the guilt of it all."

Jake nodded. "Exactly. And if Dr. Fitzgerald was their therapist, then he'd obviously have access to that information."

Although Jake had to admit, it still didn't explain the connection to Carrie. Carrie was a single girl, young, with no children... it just wasn't the same.

But right now, this was the best shot they had.

"I'm gonna make some calls," Jake said, "and get Dr. Fitzgerald in here."


The interrogation room was too bright as Jake sat across from Dr. Fitzgerald, Fiona at his side. He'd just been brought in--came willingly--and now that Jake was face-to-face with the man, he took in his appearance. Average build, a receding hairline, and small blue eyes beneath circular glasses. He seemed like the most unimposing person Jake had ever met, but looks could be very deceiving; that much, he knew was true.

"Dr. Fitzgerald," Jake began, his voice slow and deliberate, "You're familiar with Craig Tozer and Gary Fogel, aren't you?"

A flicker of recognition crossed the therapist's face, followed by a brief flash of sorrow. "Yes, I know them – or rather, I knew them. I heard about their deaths. It's tragic."

Jake studied the doctor's expression carefully, searching for any sign of deception. "We have reason to believe that both men visited your clinic at some point before their deaths. Can you confirm that?"

Dr. Fitzgerald hesitated for a moment as if weighing the consequences of his response. "I can't discuss specifics about my patients," he finally replied, his tone guarded. "But I will say that it's not uncommon for individuals dealing with abandonment issues to seek help at our clinic."

Fiona leaned forward, her voice laced with urgency. "Dr. Fitzgerald, we're not here to breach confidentiality, but two people are dead, and we need to figure out what happened to them. Can you tell us if either of them spoke to you about anything suspicious?"

Dr. Fitzgerald let out a small sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I understand your position, but I really can't say anything specific."

Fiona leaned forward, her voice low and insistent. "We understand the importance of patient confidentiality, but this is a matter of life and death. We need to know if they were seeking help from you so we can find their killer."

Dr. Fitzgerald's eyes shifted nervously between Jake and Fiona, his mouth opening and closing as if struggling to say something. "I... I can't say for sure. I'm sorry, I really am."

Jake leaned forward, his voice low and dangerous. "We have reason to believe that there's a connection between their visits to your clinic and their deaths."

Dr. Fitzgerald's eyes flashed. "What's ridiculous? I don't believe you have evidence to back that up."

Jake clenched his jaw. Fitzgerald was right--they had no evidence. Jake leaned back in his chair, a sense of frustration and disappointment washing over him. They were so close, and yet they still couldn't get the answers they needed.

But for now, Jake had no choice but to change tactics.
