Page 46 of Let Her Hide

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He and Fiona both froze, listening to the sound, before Fiona turned around.

"It's coming from this door," she said.

Jake walked over to the door and pushed it open, revealing a set of stairs. He cautiously made his way down, Fiona close behind him.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they were met with an unbelievable sight--a multitude of insect hives in glass cases filled the basement. There was a faint buzzing from within them as small creatures inside scurried around in search of food. The sight sent a chill down Jake's spine.

"This is it," Fiona said, eyes wide beneath her glasses. "This is where he's been cultivating the hives..."

"These are the murder weapons," Jake said.

And yet Luke Harris was nowhere to be found.

They ran back upstairs. Wherever Luke was keeping Rebecca, it wasn't here in this house.

But when they stepped out into the backyard, Jake's breath caught in his throat.

At the back of the farm were a large group of storage containers.

"There," Jake said. "That's where he is."

He traded a look with Fiona, who nodded tensely.

Without another second thought, they pushed on.


The night air was damp and heavy as if the darkness itself were a weight pressing down on Fiona's shoulders.

She and Jake moved cautiously through the overgrown foliage at the back of the old farm. The moon, hidden behind thick clouds, peered down as they made their way toward the storage containers.

"Over there," Jake whispered, his voice barely audible. He gestured towards a collection of rusted storage containers nestled in the shadows, their corroded metal surfaces glistening with dew. Fiona felt a cold shiver run down her spine. This had to be it. The place where Luke Harris had been killed.

As they approached, Jake drew his gun, his eyes narrowed and focused. Fiona could feel the tension radiating off him, feeding her own nerves. This was it – they were so close to finding Rebecca Sinclair she could almost taste the relief on her tongue. But first, they had to deal with Luke Harris. And from everything they'd learned about him, that wouldn't be easy.

Fiona's heart thundered in her chest as they neared the storage containers, each step bringing them closer. Her mind raced with images of what they might find, and she feared the worst--that it was too late to save Rebecca. That Luke wasn't here, and he'd already taken her to a field...

"Keep your eyes open," Jake murmured, his words a hushed warning against the silence. "We don't know what he's capable of."

"Understood," Fiona replied, her voice tight with determination. The thought of what Luke had done to Rebecca made her blood boil, and the anger gave her strength. She would not let this monster continue his reign of terror.

They rounded the corner of the first container. Fiona held her breath, unsure what they'd find. Maybe nothing at all.

But then, she saw him:

A man hunched in front of a modified storage container. There was a wooden compartment built off the side of the container, and he was leaning over it, opening a box into it.

That was when Fiona heard the buzzing.

Her heart sank as she realized what was happening.

Luke Harris was releasing insects into the storage container.

Which meant Rebecca was in there--likely still alive.

"Drop it!" Jake shouted, his gun aimed squarely at Luke's chest. "Don't even think about it!"

Luke turned around, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Fiona and Jake. He slowly raised his hands, his fingers curling around the box of insects.
