Page 51 of Let Her Hide

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Jake watched him go, his mind lingering on what he had to do next.

He just prayed Fiona would wake up soon, so he could tell her.


It felt like an eternity of waiting before a nurse came out, alerting Jake of her presence. She approached him with a weary smile, her eyes carrying the weight of countless nights spent tending to the broken and the wounded.

"Mr. Tucker," she said softly. "Fiona is awake, and you can go in now."

"Is she going to be okay?" Jake asked, his voice cracking.

"She's in a bit of pain, but yes, she's going to be fine," the nurse reassured him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you," he whispered, the relief flooding through him like a tidal wave as he stepped past her and made his way into Fiona's room.

She lay there, pale and fragile amidst a tangle of white sheets and beeping monitors. Her vibrant red hair fanned out against the pillow, a defiant splash of color in an otherwise bleak tableau. Jake couldn't help but marvel at the golden flecks that seemed to dance within the depths of her amber eyes, even as they brimmed with unshed tears.

He stood by her bedside, his fingers twitching with the urge to reach for her, to take her hands in his own and offer whatever comfort he could. But he hesitated, acutely aware of the chasm that had been widening between them – one that was entirely of his own making.

"Hey," he managed to croak, his throat tight with the weight of everything left unsaid.

"Jake," she whispered, tears slipping down her cheeks as she met his gaze. "I was so scared."

"Me too," he admitted, finally grasping her hands, feeling the warmth of her skin against his own. "I thought I was going to lose you."

As he looked at her, truly looked at her, he could see the lines of pain etched into her face, and yet there was an undeniable strength that shone through. A resilience that had carried her through the darkness and back into the light.

He realized then what he had almost lost – not just Fiona, but the chance to truly know her, to share in her life and love without reservation. He had never intended to go back to his ex, but by refusing to choose either of them, he had only succeeded in hurting both of them – and himself.

"Jake," Fiona said softly, her voice a balm on his raw nerves. "What happened?"

"Rebecca's alive," he told her, the relief evident in his voice. "And Luke's been caught. It's over."

"Then why do you look so sad?" she asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

"Because," he started, his voice thick with emotion. "I nearly lost you, and I can't bear the thought of living my life without you."

Fiona stared at him, the enormity of his words sinking in. Still, her expression was confused.

Jake hesitated for a moment, his chest heaving. Then, with a quiet resolve that echoed through the sterile hospital room, he took Fiona's hands in his and met her gaze head-on.

"Red," he began, "I want to be with you. No more games, no more holding back."

Her amber eyes widened at his words, disbelief warring with hope. For a moment, the room seemed to shrink around them, the hum of the fluorescent lights overhead fading. Jake held his breath, anxious to hear her answer.

"Jake," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the steady beep of the heart monitor beside her bed. "Are you sure? I mean, after everything we've been through... I don't want to say yes if you're going to change your mind."

He shook his head. "I won't. From the moment we met, I knew there was something special about you, something that drew me in and refused to let go. But I was too stubborn, too afraid to admit it – even to myself."

Fiona's eyes watered, and she chewed on her lip.

"Just... tell me your answer," Jake said. "I understand if you can't say yes, but--"

"Yes," Fiona choked out, a smile taking over her face. "Of course, it's yes."

Jake felt a surge of joy and relief flood through him, and he leaned forward, pressing his lips to Fiona's. Their lips met in a kiss that was at once tender and fierce, a mingling of passion and longing that spoke of all the things they had left unsaid for far too long.

As they parted, Fiona's eyes sparkled with tears, but her smile was radiant. "I've wanted this for so long," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I was just too scared to say it."
