Page 52 of Let Her Hide

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Jake reached for her hand, lacing their fingers together. "Me too," he replied. "But we don't have to be scared anymore. We can face anything together."

Fiona nodded, looking down at their intertwined hands. "I just hope we're not making a mistake," she said softly. "I don't want to lose you, Jake."

"You won't," he promised, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "I won't let that happen. I'll always be here for you."

Fiona's eyes searched his, and he could see the fear and uncertainty there. But there was also a fierce determination, a strength that Jake had always admired in her.

"I believe you," she said finally, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "I believe in us."

Jake smiled and kissed her once more.

He believed in them too.


Fiona sat at the small kitchen table in her apartment, her eyes fixed on the papers strewn across its surface. A cup of coffee grew cold beside her, the steam that had once risen from it now long gone. She absently twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she studied the information, searching for the slightest detail that might lead her to the man who had kidnapped her, Joslyn.

"Anything new?" Jake asked, his voice low and steady. He stood behind her, massaging her tense shoulders with strong hands, attempting to offer some comfort amid the darkness they were both sifting through.

"Nothing we haven't already seen," Fiona replied, frustration creeping into her voice. "But there has to be something here, Jake. I can feel it."

He nodded, understanding how deeply this quest consumed her and how determined she was to uncover the truth that had eluded her for so long. "Let's go over everything again together."

As they leaned in closer, their heads almost touching, Fiona couldn't help but feel grateful for Jake's presence. They had been through so much together, and now, she knew she could trust him completely. His strength and resolve would help carry her through this ordeal.

"Roger sent me a new lead," she said, pointing to an email printout on the table. "There's a man named Marcus who may have known Marissa – you know, the woman who was connected to my sister's kidnapper but killed herself in jail?"

"Right," Jake said, taking the paper from her. "What does he say about Marcus?"

"Marcus used to work with Marissa back in high school at a fast-food joint. Roger thinks he might have seen her with the guy we're after."

Fiona's fingers drummed against the table as she considered the implications of this piece of information. Could Marcus really hold the key to finding the man who had taken Joslyn? As she thought about it, a slow burn of anger and determination kindled within her. She couldn't let this lead slip through their fingers; they had to follow it.

"Let's talk to him," Jake suggested, mirroring her thoughts. "Maybe he remembers something that can help us."

Fiona looked up at him, her green eyes alight with purpose. "Yes, let's do that. We're so close, Jake. I can feel it."

"Then let's go," Jake said, his voice steady and determined.

Fiona nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude for his unwavering support in the search for Joslyn's kidnapper. It was a moment she couldn't let pass without acknowledging what it meant to her.

"Thank you, Jake," she whispered, stepping close to him. "For everything."

Without a second thought, she pressed her lips against his, feeling the warmth surge through her. The passion that ignited between them had been undeniable from the start, but now it was more than just attraction – it was a deep bond forged through shared pain and determination. After a long, tender kiss, they pulled apart, their eyes locked on one another.

"Ready?" he asked, his gaze soft yet resolute.

"More than ever," Fiona replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Together, they left the apartment, each step bringing them closer to the answers Fiona had craved for so long.


The drive to Marcus's home was a tense one, filled with anticipation and anxiety. Fiona's thoughts raced, wondering if this lead would finally bring her face-to-face with the monster who had taken her sister. As they approached the modest, ranch-style house, she felt a knot forming in her stomach, tightening with every passing moment.

"Here we are," Jake announced as he parked the car. They sat in silence for a moment, steeling themselves for the confrontation ahead. "You sure you're ready for this?"

Fiona nodded. "Definitely. If I can get some answers here, I won't let them slip away this time."

Jake nodded, and with that, they both got out of the car.
