Page 8 of Let Her Hide

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They both fell silent, cheeks tinted with embarrassment.

"Sorry," they muttered in unison, awkward laughter bubbling up to fill the silence. Fiona gestured for Jake to go ahead.

"Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to join me on this one." He paused, uncertainty flickering across his face. "I mean, if you're interested."

Fiona bit her lip. She wanted to say yes, but at the same time, working closely with Jake was something she’d wanted to avoid. And she’d heard he’d been paired with someone else.

“Aren’t you working with another partner?” Fiona asked.

“A temporary one,” Jake said. “No pressure, but the offer’s there.”

Fiona nodded, still feeling reluctant. Her heart skipped a beat, a flurry of emotions battling within her chest. The chill of the morgue seemed to recede as warmth bloomed inside her. It wasn't just the allure of the case that drew her in – it was the possibility of working alongside Jake again,even with her confusing feelings toward him.

She wasn’t sure if she was ready to commit to that right now. “I’ll think about it,” she said.


Fiona's heart raced as she approached Chief Whittaker's office, her fingers tapping nervously against her leg. She hesitated for a brief moment, taking a deep breath to steady herself before knocking on his door. Before she committed herself to working alongside Jake again, she wanted to hash it out with the chief. Although she could admit to herself that she was just hesitant to make the choice herself.

"Come in," Chief Whittaker's voice boomed from within, its tone stern yet inviting.

Fiona entered, finding him seated behind his desk, poring over documents which seemed to consume every inch of the surface. As she closed the door behind her, his eyes flicked up, piercing her with their icy gaze.

"Ah, Ms. Red, how did it go at the morgue?" he asked, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers.

"Interesting, sir," Fiona replied, trying to maintain her composure. "I found the case quite...compelling." She hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "Agent Tucker asked if I would join him on the investigation, and I wanted to run it past you first.”

Chief Whittaker raised an eyebrow, considering her request. He took a moment before responding, his voice measured and authoritative. "Well, Ms. Red, you're welcome to join if you'd like. Agent Tucker is still working with Agent Lara Sanders for as long as he needs her assistance. But there's always room for another pair of skilled hands."

Fiona hesitated, her fingers drumming anxiously on the armrest of the chair. A knot twisted in her stomach as she weighed the pros and cons of working with Jake again. The last thing she wanted was to rekindle the feelings that had once flared between them – feelings she'd fought tirelessly to suppress. It was, however, a case that demanded her attention – one where her expertise in entomology could be invaluable.

She shifted in her seat, trying to find a comfortable position amidst the unease that gnawed at her insides. She could feel Chief Whittaker's eyes on her, waiting for her decision, but all she could think about was how it had felt to be so close in Jake’s orbit again.

"Fiona?" the chief prompted, breaking through the haze of her thoughts.

"Sir," Fiona began, swallowing hard. She knew what she had to do. Her duty to the case and to the victims overrode her personal concerns. She straightened her spine, set her jaw, and met Chief Whittaker's gaze. "I'd like to join Agent Tucker on this case."

Chief Whittaker nodded, his expression unreadable. "Very well," he said, his voice betraying no hint of the thoughts churning behind his sharp, gray eyes. "You're on board. Happy to have you back, Ms. Red.”

"Thank you, sir," Fiona replied, her voice steadier than she felt. As she rose from the chair, she couldn't help but wonder if she was making a mistake. But there was no turning back now. The die had been cast, and all she could do was steel herself for the storm that loomed ahead.

"Good luck, Ms. Red," Chief Whittaker said as she turned to leave. "Keep your wits about you."

Fiona paused at the door, gripping the handle as if it were a lifeline. She cast one last glance back at the chief, his face bathed in the cold glow of the computer screen.

"Thank you, sir," she said quietly. "I'll do my best."

With that, she stepped into the dimly lit hallway, leaving behind the safety of her superior's office and venturing into the unknown territory that awaited her. The hallway seemed to stretch on forever as Fiona's heels clicked rhythmically against the cold, polished floor. Her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and fear, threatening to burst free from her chest at any moment. She forced herself to breathe deeply and evenly, refusing to let her emotions unravel her. With each step, she knew she was committing herself further to the tangled web of this case – and to the man who had captured her heart once before.

Finally, she found herself in front of the elevator, her trembling hand hovering over the call button. At that moment, she hesitated, her mind awash with conflicting thoughts. But she couldn't deny the burning desire within her to help solve this case.

"Get a grip, Fiona," she muttered under her breath, steeling herself as she pressed the button. A soft chime echoed through the empty corridor, and the doors slid open with a hiss. She stepped inside, the metal cage swallowing her whole.

As the elevator descended, Fiona's thoughts drifted back to Jake. The memories of their time together were like shards of glass, cutting through her defenses and leaving her raw and vulnerable. She knew she should be focused on the case at hand, but the thought of working alongside him again clouded her judgment, casting doubt on her resolve.

"Stop it," she whispered fiercely to herself. "You're doing this for the case, not for him." But even as she spoke the words, she knew they were only half true. She wanted – no, needed – to prove to herself that she could work with Jake without losing herself completely.

The elevator jolted to a stop, tearing her from her reverie. Fiona took one last deep breath, summoning every ounce of courage she possessed, and stepped out into the bustling world beyond.
