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Chapter 23


Right, so I had a major breakdown! I’m talking full-on, losing my shit kind of thing and I said some really fucking bad things to Daisy. My eyes feel like balls of sandpaper after crying for hours on end. Is it possible to get dehydrated from spilling too many tears?

Betty always told me that Comptons should never cry. No one should see a Compton acting weak because that’s what crying is, a weakness. As much as I tried to forget a lot of the bullshit she spouted, that always stuck with me. I can’t remember the last time I cried properly. Possibly not since my mum died.

So twenty-odd years’ worth of tears was bound to take a while to get through. Daisy was amazing, which makes me feel like garbage. I’m not sure how I will make it up to her. I hope she understands how fucked up I was feeling when I accused her of those things.

I really wasn’t expecting her to declare her undying love for me! I definitely wasn’t expecting to say it back. I sure as shit didn’t expect us to be getting hot and heavy after the turd of a day yesterday, but, hey ho, here we are!

What started off as a make-out session soon turned into hands grabbing and pinching. There is no way on earth I look sexy right now, not after all that blubbering. I’m guessing my face resembles that of a bee sting victim, to be honest. Daisy doesn’t seem put off though, so I’ll shut up and leave her to keep massaging my breasts.

There is definitely a lot for us to unpack and talk about. Jesus, there is so much we need to work through, which, for such a new couple, isn’t ideal. I’m calling us a couple now because let’s face it, Daisy and I areit. Take all the shit away and what you get are two people in love. That’s my light at the end of this shit tunnel. That thought is what’s going to get me through what needs to be done.

I plan to fuck Daisy until she can’t remember her name. Then I will go and get the third piece of the book, then we will leave for Scotland. I feel lighter and more focused for unloading everything last night. It’s what I needed. I’m coming for you, Betty!

Well, actually I’m gonna come for Daisy first because she is doing wonderful things with her tongue. Oh, and she just added fingers! Lord above, I can’t hold on. This woman is outstanding. My throat is a little hoarse from last night, but I still let a loud moan out as my body trembles under her touch.

When I’m finally coherent enough to focus on Daisy, I take her in my arms. I draw strength from feeling her body close to mine. Of course I’m going to reciprocate, but I just need a minute. I lift her head from my chest so I can look into her eyes. “Is it okay to call you my girlfriend?” Don’t mock me, I know how lame and prepubescent it sounds to ask her that, but give me a break. I never got to ask her when I was a teen. I’m playing catch-up.

I see her eyes mist a little before she kisses me tenderly. I’ll take her kiss as a yes. Daisy Simpson is my girlfriend! Win. Now, back to the job at hand. I roll her over and make my way down her exquisite body. It’s been far too long since I’ve had my mouth on her. I dip between her legs and take her into my mouth.

I’ve always enjoyed oral, but with Daisy I could do it all day. Her taste is addictive and the moans she makes when I play with her clit are music to my ears. I love that she grinds against my face seeking purchase because I’m teasing her. When she growls in frustration, I have to slip a hand through my own folds because it turns me on so much.

My own orgasm is building, so I stop teasing her and get serious. I suck on her clit and tongue her entrance. Her hips are moving feverishly and her thighs are shaking. Her head snaps back as she tumbles over the edge and it’s glorious. My own climax is raging through me and I see light behind my eyelids. Sex has never been this intense for me. I’ll call it the Daisy effect.

We lay together for a while. I love that we don’t feel the need to fill the silence. We can just be. I am feeling so much better, mentally, and as much as I want to stay locked up in the hotel room with Daisy, I need to get moving. It’s difficult, though, when she’s so fucking warm and soft.

I sit up and look down at her. Her cheeks have a faint red glow and my ego loves it because I did that to her. “I need to go and get those pages.”

“How long will it take?”

“That’s the thing. The pages are in a space that isn’t exactly accessible in daylight.” Her brow scrunches. I’ll hold my hands up and admit I screwed the pooch this time. We haven’t picked up the parts of the book in the order I hid them. The pages I left in Copenhagen are actually the end pages.

By the time I got round to hiding the last section, I was in a dark place. I just wanted to get rid of the bloody thing. There’s nothing like carrying a memento of your fucked up life everywhere you go to make you feel constantly shitty and to remind you of what you left behind.

So, I wrapped the pages up, stuck them in an airtight container and dumped them in a water feature in Tivoli Gardens. It was a rash move, and I certainly didn’t think it through. I just figured no one would think to look in water. It made sense to me at the time.

As you can imagine, I can’t go wading through the water fountain to get the box in the middle of the day. Also, I have to be prepared that the fountain has been emptied out since I deposited the pages. If that’s the case, our trip here could be for nothing.

I explain all that to Daisy. “So, how do we get them?”

“Well, we go to the park as late as possible, find a place to hide and then wait until everyone has gone home.”

* * *

There are cameras everywhere in this park. I’m a tad worried we could end up getting arrested, however I have a plan if we get caught. It’s a weak ass plan but still, a plan. Daisy is not impressed that we are having to do this at all. Even the promise of mind numbing sex isn’t stopping her from scowling at me. I told her she could wait in the hotel, but that went down like a lead balloon too. It’s a no-win situation for me. I give up.

We are currently hiding in a bush! [Please insert joke here]. I desperately want to, but I’m a little scared that Daisy will beat me to death. Considering she’s just furiously signed that she has a literal stick up her arse, I don’t think she would appreciate the humour.

The park closed ten minutes ago but there are still a ton of staff around. When we go for the pages, we need to be fast. I forgot how fucking freezing it can get here. Daisy looks like an icicle, which is another reason she hates me right now. Her lips are starting to go blue. She should have stayed in the hotel room. I’m mad at myself for not insisting. I know how much she hates the cold.

Alright, it’s now thirty minutes since the park closed and I think Daisy is getting hypothermic. We need to go now. I think we can sneak to the fountain without getting caught. There are plenty of places we can duck behind to avoid the security man. It’s dark, so we might be able to stay off the camera monitors by keeping to the shadows as much as possible.

And we’re off. So far, so good, I haven’t spotted anyone. I memorised the map of the park. We aren’t too far away from the fountain. Daisy has her head on a swivel. She knows what she’s doing. A few more rounds of run-and-duck and I have our target in sight. I’m just about to leave the safety of the shadows when Daisy hauls me back. I missed the security guy walking around the corner. My heart is pumping hard. He doesn’t seem to have seen me.

I blow out a breath of relief when he trundles by whistling to himself. Daisy gives me the green light to make my run over to the fountain. This has to be quick. Unlike most of the park, the fountains are still illuminated. I’m going to be completely visible.Come on, Callie, you got this.
