Page 91 of Losers, Part II

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“You do, sir.”

I came so hard that I held my breath. Lucas kept touching me, fucking me, and the pleasure drew out to an ungodly intensity. My legs were shaking, and I was left gasping, so eager for Lucas to come inside me, I mindlessly begged for it.

“She wants you to fill her up,” Manson said, growling the words in Lucas’s ear. “Look at her face, look how badly she wants it. Are you going to give her what she wants, pup?”

“Yes, sir.” He dissolved into a moan as Manson moved, rolling his hips into him. Manson fucked him hard, inserting his fingers through the bars of the muzzle. Lucas took the digits in his mouth, sucking them with a desperation that made him close his eyes again.

The force of Manson fucking him drove him into me. His cock swelled, and with a vicious groan, he came inside me. Manson clung to him, the sound of his hips slapping against him growing more erratic until Manson shuddered, his eyes squeezing closed in bliss.

29 - Manson


Today was the day.Anxiety gripped me before I’d even opened my eyes, and I lay very still as I tried to bring it back under control. Since moving into this house, we had repaired piping and electricity, rebuilt walls and replaced flooring. We’d torn through every damn room except one.

I had to face it. There was nothing in there but four walls and too many memories. I’d tried to get all my thoughts out in therapy yesterday, but shit, Dr. Wagner would have a lot more to hear from me next week too.

Rolling over, I snuggled closer to Lucas, wrapping my arm around him. He sighed softly, wiggling himself back so I was spooning him. It helped to have him close; I needed the warmth, the comfort. It pained me that Jess hadn’t been able to sleep over, but she was on such thin ice with her mom.

There had been another argument since she stayed over the weekend, and it stressed her out to keep fighting. Poor girl looked exhausted when we went for coffee yesterday, but she had a lot on her mind.

She had her review first thing on Monday next week. She’d worked so hard for it, but nerves still plagued her. We were confident she’d get that promotion, though.

Maybe that was why I suddenly felt spurred on to clear out the old bedroom. Life moved fast and I didn’t want to be left behind. It had become an unspoken agreement among us, it seemed, that when Jess moved to New York, obviously we would too.

But we needed everything in place.

Although I loathed leaving the bed’s warmth, I wasn’t going to get any more sleep. I was wide awake, my heart was pounding a bit too hard. Kissing Lucas’s shoulder, I climbed out of bed and shuffled into the bathroom. My hands were twitchy already, and I nicked myself with the razor as I shaved. Gulping down my pills before I left the bathroom, I went straight to the oil diffuser and switched it on. I briefly considered bathing in lavender essential oil, but figured there was only so much help the floral scent could offer me.

Jason was in the kitchen when I came downstairs. It surprised me to see him awake and dressed, before I remembered that he habitually was up this early now to join Jess at the gym.

“Damn, you’re awake before Lucas?” he said, shaking protein powder and water together in a bottle. He didn’t sound as tired as I’d expected; he didn’tlookthat tired either.

“Unfortunately,” I said, taking a seat at the table. Jojo trudged out of the living room, looking sleepy and confused at the early hour before she laid down beside me with a groan. “You look chipper this morning.”

Jason shrugged, chugging down his protein shake. “Can’t say I’m a fan of waking up before the sun, but it is nice to start the morning at the gym.” He smiled in thought before he took another sip, and I chuckled.
