Page 9 of Ruthless Kings

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We finally pull up to the airstrip and I’m trembling. Valen opens the car door and exits the vehicle before turning to offer me his hand. I’m surprised by the gesture, but I accept it gratefully. I didn’t think he would be so friendly, especially after everything that had happened earlier today. My mind is still racing with the memory of being bound and at their mercy.

I know they went easy on me, which makes me wonder just how bad it can get if they didn’t. We make our way in utter silence to the plane which is ready and waiting to whisk us to the mainland.

Once inside, each of us settle in our seats. This time, I’m not alone with Judah, or Valen. The presence of all three of them in this small space is overwhelming.

“You’ll walk in on my arm,” Judah speaks after a few moments, capturing my attention. “Val and Kai will be around, watching. If anyone tries anything, you have your blade. However, you will need to remember these are men who have been in this world since they were babies. They do notfeelanything, they only act. There is no permission asked, so make sure to stay close.”

I stare in shock at Judah. I know from my father’s stories these men are dangerous and violent. But the idea of being alone with one of them, someone who wants to hurt me makes me shiver. “What if someone tries to hurt me?”

“You hurt them back,” Kai says with a grin and it’s the first time in a long while that he’s smiled at me. “But remember, they take names, they never forget.”

“So I can defend myself, but I’ll always have to look over my shoulder,” I bite out as I roll my eyes at the stupidity of this world we live in.

“And watch that pretty little mouth, princess,” Valen whispers as he leans in close. The heat of his breath fanning across my cheek. “They won’t think twice about using it.”

I snap my glare at Valen, my mouth popping open in surprise at what he’s talking about. I’m not stupid when it comes to men and their desires. But I don’t for a second believe that the three of them would stand back and watch anything like that happen to me. “And you’d let that happen?” My voice comes out in a sharp, fearful breath when I ask the question.

He grins, before he gestures with his head toward Judah. “It’s not up to me tonight. You’re his,” he says as he looks at my soon to be husband. “And none of the men there tonight give a shit. They’ll risk their lives to enjoy any female in attendance.”

“That’s…” I don’t know what to say because if I wasn’t afraid before, I am now.

“That’s the way of our organisations, princess,” Valen says as we take off. It will be a couple of hours, but in that time, I know my stomach is only going to be in knots by the time we disembark. And when we walk into the venue for tonight’s proceedings, I’m going to be a mess. Even though I know I have the three of them with me, I can’t deny my anxiety is going to be through the roof.

“I’m going to the bedroom,” I announce as I make my way to the back of the plane. Sitting on the bed, I take deep breaths, hoping to calm myself. My chest is tight when I consider what’s about to happen.

When the door opens, Kai walks in. He’s the last person I expected to be here, but he settles in the armchair that overlooks the bed. The distance between us is obvious. It’s clear he will not come closer. And deep down, it stings because all I need is some reassurance.

“There are things about this world you’re going to have to get used to, and this is one of those times.” He leans forward, his elbows on his knees. Those eyes that have always seemed to hide so many secrets now hold mine hostage. “You’re a strong woman, Brielle,” Kai tells me. “I’ve watched you fight, train, and spew your fire at Judah for months now.”

“That’s different.”

“Yeah, it’s different, but it’s still you. If you allow your mind to play tricks on you, then you won’t get through this.” There’s a deeper warning in his tone. As if there’s more to what’s going to happen tonight than just a dinner and some expensive drinks.

“And what gauntlet am I going to be running exactly?” I challenge as I cross my arms over my chest. He’s right, I am strong, especially when anger and frustration take over.

“Now,” Kai says as he pushes to his feet, “If I told you that, it would take away from the fun. Wouldn’t it?” He offers me a wink before leaving me to mull over everything in my mind.

I was brought up as a strong person. My father didn’t sugar-coat anything when it came to this life. Yes, he held back truths that I should have known about, including the secret about my surgery, but he ensured I wasn’t in the dark about where he came from.

The life of a man who has joined the mafia, who swore loyalty to an organisation, is not something to take lightly. And inadvertently, I don’t think Father realised that when he sent me to life at Black Hollow, I’ve now sworn my allegiance. Only, it’s just not to the people he wanted me to offer my support.

I lie back and look up at the ceiling. My focus on the soft cream colour of the light shade. The bulb is dimly lit, only offering a weak, yellow glow.

Judah, Kai, and Valen were right. I came here a shy, scared girl, and I’ve changed. Over the past few weeks, I’ve gotten to know them, and I’ve also learned who I am. My father forced this on me, and he wanted me to become part of a war I wasn’t fighting.

He started it, and now, I’m the one who needs to finish it. Father won’t be happy with me, and I know the disappointment he’ll show will probably break my heart, but he was the one who lied.

As much as I wish it didn’t have to be this way, there is no other choice. I’m to marry Judah, and if there’s one thing I know, it is that my loyalty has to lie with my new family.

But, I have a feeling there are so many more secrets to uncover. It’s not going to be an easy ride, and I don’t expect it to be. All I can do is take it as it comes.

The plane slowly descends as we reach the mainland. My stomach drops with every movement of the large aircraft. The nervous energy causes butterflies to come alive in my belly. It’s as if I’m going to a party where I’ll be the main spectacle. I don’t like the focus on me, I never have.

Only this time, I’m not going as just another teenager who’s out with her boyfriend. I’ll be walking in there as the future Queen of the Venier family. And I’m not sure just how ready I am to claim that name in public just yet.


